aloe vera for vaginal dryness

How to use aloe vera for vaginal dryness? What are the main causes of this condition? Symptoms? What are other natural remedies for vaginal dryness? And finally, what can I do to avoid vaginal dryness?

I. What Is Vaginal Dryness?  

Vaginal dryness is advanced dehydration or lack of moisture in the vagina. The most affected women are menopausal women, however, there is a category of young girls who are affected, especially those who are pregnant.

Contrary to the previously mentioned disease, vaginal dryness has very specific symptoms that can be noticed from the beginning.

The causes of the pathology are diverse, some of them are relevant and others secondary.

Raw Aloe in my Vagina?

II. What Causes Vaginal Dryness?

Menopause is the main cause of vaginal dryness. It is explained by a stop in the production of estrogen and progesterone at this time.

The vaginal mucous membranes, which are responsible for moisturizing and lubricating the vagina, lose this ability.

Other causes may be related to this disease, including those that may influence sex hormones and cause them to be disrupted: 

  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle
  • Pregnancy, then breastfeeding
  • Lack of hygiene in the intimate parts
  • The use of certain soaps
  • Taking certain medical treatments
  • Alcohol, stress, smoking
  • Allergies and Antihistamines
  • Life-Saving Chemotherapy and Radiation

III. Signs and Symptoms of Vaginal Dryness

Inflammation of the genital organ, especially on the vulva, which causes tingling and itching, can alert us to possible dehydration.

The pain is followed by an irritation causing redness at this level.

In addition, it is possible that a woman suffering from vaginal dryness feels pain during sexual intercourse or even a loss of libido. 

IV. Aloe Vera for Vaginal Dryness

Although in some cases vaginal dryness is irreparable, there are nevertheless tricks to minimize the damage and feel better.

To achieve this, many cosmetic gels and creams are available, including products made from aloe vera. The latter, whether industrial or in its pure form, helps to relieve the symptoms of this disease.

The secret of the remedy lies first of all in the water contained in the pulp of this plant, in fact aloe vera is composed of 95% water.

This asset makes it possible to hydrate for a long amount of time the intimate part and to ensure him a lubrication. In addition, the gel of the plant which contains capacities anti-inflammatory relieves the pains and eliminates irritations.

It is worth remembering that aloe vera contains 80 nutrients, which include enzymes, minerals, proteins etc.

These actions allow you to feel better in your skin and to find among other things a fulfilled sexual life.

1. Uses of Aloe Vera for a Dry Vagina (how to make aloe vera lubricant)

Pure aloe vera gel is similar to the classic lubricant and unlike oil, it is compatible with all condoms.

It is therefore possible to use it without any problem, especially since we know that it is excellent for our body and our health.

You can also make a home-made mixture to keep in the fridge for a few days with 80g of pure organic aloe vera gel, 100ml of mineral water, 1g of xanthan gum, 17g of vegetable glycerin and 1g of costard preservative to get a competitive lubricant!

2. Aloe Vera Physalis and Saffron for Vaginal Dryness

Taking aloe vera internally with saffron and winter cherry can increase vaginal lubrication.

Mix aloe vera with saffron and winter cherry in a glass of milk and drink it before bed.

3. Slippery Elm Powder Mixed with Aloe Vera for Vaginal Dryness

It is recommended to mix aloe vera gel with slippery elm powder not only to moisten vaginal tissues, but also to soothe inflammation and itching.

This is done by mixing enough powder with aloe vera to make a viscous paste and applying it to the inside of the lips of the vaginal area as well as in the vagina.

The results are said to be very soothing.

V. Other Natural Home Remedies for vaginal Dryness

1. Yogurt

Vaginal dryness can be caused by a lack of healthy bacteria called lactobacilli. Yogurt is rich in these healthy bacteria.

A 100% natural yogurt, without chemicals or flavors, contains live cultures that benefit the bacterial flora and keep the vagina protected and moist.

Eating and applying yogurt to the external areas promotes natural lubrication and relieves any infections.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another ingredient known for its super healing properties. This oil is considered to be rich in two primary fatty acids, caprylic and lauric.

With its antioxidant component, coconut oil can reduce inflammation under the skin and ensure better healing.

It also helps restore the body’s natural moisture level. It can be used as a lubricant or supplement to treat dryness.

3. Lemon leaves

Limonene is a compound in lemon leaves that has antimicrobial, antibiotic and anti-allergic properties.

Lemon leaves can help get rid of bad odor. They can also help clean the vagina and combat dryness.

Simply boil a few leaves in water, cool the mixture to room temperature and wash your vagina with it.

4. Flaxseeds

The richness of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E in flaxseeds helps increase estrogen levels in the system, which reduces vaginal dryness.

Flaxseeds are one of the most effective herbs for vaginal dryness – an oral dose of 100 to 600 IU is effective in increasing vaginal lubrication and reducing irritation.

You can include flaxseeds in your meals or eat them as a snack.

5. St. John’s Wort Oil

St. John’s wort oil is one of the most widely used natural solutions for several hundred years in traditional therapy to alleviate various ailments, especially in gynecology, where it is used to combat vaginal dryness, for example.

As for St. John’s wort oil, it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimycotic and antiviral properties.

A local application twice a day can be enough for a good relief, especially against vaginal dryness, cause of many gynecological problems.

6. Sea Buckthorn Oil

If you are looking for one of the best vaginal moisturizers, you should consider using sea buckthorn oil as a lubricant for vaginal dryness.

The results of a 2014 study revealed that sea buckthorn oil helps with vaginal dryness issues. Nearly 100 women who suffered from vaginal itching, dryness and burning during menopause consumed 3 grams of sea buckthorn daily. After three months, the symptoms of vaginal dryness were significantly less than at the beginning.

7. Vitamin C and Vitamin E

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the formation of collagen, which is essential for strong, healthy skin throughout the body, including the vaginal area.

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C include guava, broccoli, strawberries, kiwi, red and green peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts and oranges.

According to numerous research studies, vitamin E plays an important role in the stability of estrogen and in improving menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness.

Vitamin E helps maintain the flexibility of blood vessels, which leads to increased blood flow and metabolism of vaginal tissue.

Open the vitamin E oil capsules, squeeze the extracts into your fingers and gently apply to the skin inside the vagina. The oil can also be used as a natural lubricant during sex.

8. Moisturisers

One of the best ways to reduce vaginal dryness is to use a vaginal moisturizer. These are special moisturizers that are designed specifically for this sensitive area of the body.

Using a vaginal moisturizer every few days can help keep your vagina moist and relieve the symptoms of vaginal dryness.

You can apply the moisturizer several times a week before bed. Apply it around the walls of the vagina to let it absorb.

Do not try to use a moisturizer or cream that is not specifically for the vagina.

Also, you should avoid soaps, moisturizers and other scented toiletries.

9. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which helps get rid of vaginal dryness and itching.

It is best to dilute the vinegar with water first and then soak a tampon in it. The tampon should be inserted into the vagina and left there for about 20 minutes.

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful antifungal agent. It reduces toxicity by eliminating all fungi from the vagina.

This not only reduces dryness, but also eliminates bad odor.

10. Olive oil

You can use olive oil as a lubricant for vaginal dryness because it lubricates the sensitive areas of the body without causing irritation.

Researchers have suggested that olive oil is a good non-hormonal treatment for menopausal symptoms.

Applying olive oil as a lubricant to the vagina can help improve quality of life and reduce vaginal dryness.


VI. Tips to Avoid Vaginal Dryness

1. Probiotics

Taking probiotics helps the intimate flora to regain its balance, and they can be combined with lubricating care, either vaginally for a few days a month or orally for several months.

2. Wear non-Synthetic Underwear

Choose cotton underwear over synthetic underwear. They are more comfortable and limit irritation of the vulva.

3. Must Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can contribute to vaginal dryness. So make sure you stay well hydrated throughout the day.

Try to drink 9 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day.

Drink more if you sweat a lot, exercise or live in a hot climate.

Water, juice and tea count toward your fluid intake.

4. Avoid Chemical Soaps

Soaps, scented shower gels and bath oils can often further irritate the vaginal area.

For intimate cleansing, use a soap-free cleanser, or simply wash with warm water.

VII. Other Questions About Uses of Aloe Vera for Vaginal Dryness

1. Can We Treat Genital Herpes with Aloe Vera

The gel extracted from the fleshy leaves of the aloe vera plant not only helps fight symptoms, but also prevents the onset of herpes.

The nutrient richness of aloe vera juice makes it a powerful aid to the immune system, strengthening it and encouraging it to function at its best.

InTakingloe vera juice orally helps reduce the risk of infections. Applying aloe vera gel to the infected area will help the bladder heal faster by accelerating the healing process.

If the symptoms of herpes are detected in time, they can sometimes disappear in a very short time with a simple local application of aloe Vera on the skin.

2. Does Aloe Vera Help with Itchy Vag

Another solution is to apply some Aloe Vera crystal to the affected area so that its antiseptic and soothing benefits help fight microorganisms that may exist in the vagina while providing a sense of relief and improvement of discomfort.

After applying the aloe vera, leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

3. Can You Put Aloe Vera Inside Your Vag

It is possible to put aloe vera in the vagina. Its healing and anti-inflammatory properties soothe the itching of the vulva.

It has a moisturizing effect and rebalances the pH. It is also known to combat vaginal dryness.

4. Aloe Vera Benefits for Menopause

Aloe vera activates estrogen receptors and therefore produces the hormones women need to minimize menopausal symptoms.

Reduces hot flashes. Relieves joint pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

The many vitamins, amino acids, minerals and enzymes contained in aloe vera will help you fight effectively against menopausal disorders by acting on bones, hair, teeth, nails, skin, energy and mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes and night sweats, weight gain…

5. Douching with Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera douches help tighten and maintain the elasticity of your loose vaginal walls.

It also cleanses your vagina to keep it fresh, clean, and infection-free.

Useful Links:

Symptoms of vaginal dryness

Patient education: Vaginal dryness (Beyond the Basics)

Aloe verahealth and beauty, skin

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