Getting rid of a lump in the throat after vomiting is extremely important for providing relief from discomfort and preventing complications. That miserable sensation of having something stuck in your throat is common after throwing up.

While the lump feeling is usually temporary, it can still be quite bothersome and concerning. Understanding what causes this phantom clog in your throat and implementing the right remedies is key to banishing irritation faster.

Learning what works best to get rid of a lump in the throat after vomiting can help you recover faster.

Causes de la sensation de gonflement de la gorge (Globus)

There are a few key culprits behind that miserable lump-in-throat feeling after vomiting:

1. Acid Reflux and GERD

One of the most prevalent causes of throat lump after vomiting is acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

When stomach acids surge upward during vomiting, they can spill into the esophagus and irritate the delicate tissues of the throat.

If you deal with frequent acid reflux, the resulting inflammation of your throat and esophagus can lead to chronic irritation, damage, and lump sensations.

A weak or malfunctioning lower esophageal sphincter is often to blame, allowing caustic stomach contents to push back up where they don’t belong.

2. Esophagitis

Repeated exposure to stomach acids can cause a condition known as esophagitis – inflammation and swelling of the esophagus.

When gastric acids reflux forcefully and frequently, it damages the lining of the esophagus.

Along with pain and trouble swallowing, esophagitis also creates that miserable clogged lump feeling in the throat.

Besides excessive vomiting, other common causes of esophagitis include GERD, certain medications, infections, radiation therapy, and some autoimmune disorders.

Prompt treatment is key, as chronic esophagitis can cause scarring and strictures.

3. Mallory Weiss Tear

In rare cases, intense vomiting can even lead to Mallory Weiss tears – small lacerations or splits in the tissue of the lower esophagus. The tremendous force of violent vomiting essentially ruptures the esophageal membrane.

These tears typically cause bleeding and the sensation of a foreign lump lodged in the throat. Preventing nausea and vomiting is critical to avoiding this type of esophageal injury whenever possible.

Mallory Weiss tears often heal independently, but severe tears sometimes require endoscopic procedures to stop persistent bleeding.

Several effective remedies can help banish throat irritation, inflammation, and muscle spasms that create that awful clogged feeling.

Here are the top techniques for getting rid of a lump in your throat after tossing your cookies:

1. Gargle with Salt Water

One of the quickest ways to find relief from a throat lump after vomiting is gargling several times a day with warm salt water.

The salt helps draw out excess moisture from irritated tissues in your throat while also reducing swelling. This combo offers temporary numbness to inflamed areas for near-instant alleviation of that globus lump sensation.

The antiseptic properties of salt water also kill bacteria and help flush out your throat. To make the solution, stir 1⁄2 teaspoon of salt into a full glass of warm water until dissolved.

Swish a mouthful around your throat for 30 seconds before spitting it out.

2. Stay Hydrated

Keeping your body well hydrated is key to flushing away irritants and keeping your throat moist after stomach acids reflux up.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily, along with decaffeinated herbal tea, broth, and diluted juices. The warmth is especially soothing.

Just go easy on alcohol and caffeinated beverages as these can worsen dehydration and irritation.

3. Take OTC Pain Relievers

Swallowing over-the-counter pain meds like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can temporarily dull your throat pain and lump sensation.

These anti-inflammatory drugs reduce swelling and block pain receptors in your esophagus and throat for a few hours of relief.

4. Avoid Acidic, Spicy Foods

Eating bland, smooth foods is easier on an irritated esophagus and throat after vomiting. Acidic and spicy fare often aggravates lump feeling by stimulating more gastric juice production.

Stick with yogurt, milkshakes, applesauce, soups, ice cream, jelly, bananas, and rice until your throat heals.

5. Elevate Your Head

Let gravity keep corrosive stomach acids from burning your throat while you sleep. Prop your head and shoulders up on a pile of pillows so gastric contents don’t push up into your esophagus.

This simple lifestyle tweak promotes the healing of inflamed tissues.

6. Use Throat Lozenges

Sucking on medicated lozenges delivers temporary numbness and lubrication right where you need it—your aching throat.

Menthol and benzocaine soothe pain to reduce your awareness of the lump sensation. Look for lozenges specifically formulated for sore throats.

7. Try Marshmallow Root

The mucilage in marshmallow root coats, lubricates, and protects irritated mucous membranes in your throat.

Sipping marshmallow root tea or gargling with marshmallow water can temporarily shield your esophagus from stomach acids that cause that post-vomit lump feeling.

Apply a Warm Compress Placing a warm, moist compress right over your throat can relax tense muscles and stimulate blood flow to speed the healing of damaged tissues.

Try this several times a day along with gentle neck and throat massages to release tightness.

8. Use Throat Sprays

Spraying your throat with an oral pain reliever spray can temporarily numb your discomfort, much like gargling medications.

Products containing lidocaine or phenol are often most effective at dulling throat lump sensations for a window of relief.

9. Avoid Tight Clothing

Wearing tight garments puts excess pressure on your abdomen and throat muscles. This can trigger acid reflux and muscle tension that exacerbate the aggravating lump feeling after vomiting. Opt for loose, comfortable clothing until the irritation subsides.

The bothersome lump sensation in your throat after puking is usually short-lived and not serious. But if you experience severe pain, trouble swallowing, or a fever, see your doctor to rule out complications like infections or esophageal tears needing treatment.

With some self-care TLC, you can kick that clogged-up throat feeling to the curb.

Lump in the throat that won’t quit: Globus pharyngeus | UCLA Health

A feeling of a lump or tightness in the throat after an episode of vomiting is very common and normal.

The intensity and duration of the lump feeling depends on the amount of irritation, inflammation, and damage caused by expelled stomach contents.

Mild acid reflux and esophagitis from infrequent vomiting may result in minor or even unnoticeable throat discomfort.

However, frequent, forceful vomiting that exposes the throat repeatedly to corrosive gastric acids often creates pronounced lump and tightness sensations that can last for several days.

The duration of a perceived throat lump after throwing up varies based on the amount of inflammation and injury sustained by your esophagus and throat tissues.

Minor irritation may dissipate within a day or two. However, significant inflammation and swelling can lead to a lingering lump feeling lasting up to a week.

Recurring lump sensations that persist for over two weeks warrant an evaluation by your doctor to check for complications like scarring, strictures, ulcers or Barrett’s esophagus.

Leaving chronic acid damage untreated raises your risk for dysphagia and esophageal cancer later on.

It’s extremely important to stay hydrated after vomiting by sipping small amounts of cool water, broth, or electrolyte-rich drinks. Drinking adequate fluids serves several vital functions:

  • Replaces lost fluids. Vomiting leads to rapid dehydration and depletion of electrolytes your body needs.
  • Dilutes acid. Water can help rinse your esophagus and throat while neutralizing traces of corrosive stomach acids.
  • Soothes inflammation. The cool temperature is soothing on irritated, inflamed tissues.

Avoid drinking large volumes which could trigger further vomiting. Don’t yet introduce dairy, caffeine, alcohol or acidic juices, as these may irritate the throat.

Once any nausea passes, replenish your system with water and mild clear liquids.

VII. What home remedies can help soothe a sore throat after vomiting?

Along with staying hydrated, several natural home remedies can alleviate throat soreness, irritation, and lump sensations after tossing your cookies:

  • Gargle with salt water – Helps flush your throat and eases swelling
  • Sip chamomile or marshmallow root tea – Soothes inflamed membranes
  • Chew gum – Stimulates saliva to coat and lubricate throat tissues
  • Eat gelatin, popsicles, or lozenges – Provides cooling relief
  • Apply warm compresses – Relaxes tense throat muscles
  • Try honey, licorice root, or slippery elm – Contains soothing demulcents
  • Consider taking digestive enzymes – Improves digestion and reduces reflux

Avoid irritants like tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, acidic foods, yelling, and throat clearing. Rest your voice and implement stress-reduction techniques until the soreness resolves.

Certain foods are gentler on an agitated throat and esophagus after vomiting:

  • Oatmeal, mashed potatoes, noodle soup, yogurt, applesauce, gelatin – Smooth, non-acidic choices
  • Milkshakes, protein shakes, meal replacement drinks – Provide nutrients if eating is difficult
  • Frozen desserts like ice cream, popsicles, sorbet are very soothing and easy to swallow
  • Throat coat tea, ginger tea, marshmallow root tea – Contain demulcents
  • Apple juice, coconut water, decaf tea, broth – Help replenish lost fluids

Avoid acidic or spicy foods and opt for cool or room-temperature foods until your throat heals. Don’t lie down after eating to prevent reflux and further irritation. Small, frequent meals may be best tolerated.

Gargling with warm salt water is one of the most effective and fastest ways to find relief from a sore, irritated throat after retching.

The salt draws out excess moisture from inflamed tissues while reducing swelling. Salt also helps flush out your throat while temporarily numbing sore areas.

To get the full benefits, gargle a glass of warm water with 1⁄2 teaspoon of salt stirred in for 30 seconds, 2 to 3 times daily. Be sure to spit out the water rather than swallowing.

The antibacterial properties of salt water also help kill germs lingering in your throat.

Several over-the-counter medications can provide temporary relief from the painful lump sensation in your throat after vomiting:

  • Acetaminophen – Reduces swelling and overall sore throat pain
  • Ibuprofen – Another anti-inflammatory that blocks pain receptors
  • Benzocaine sprays/lozenges – Numbs the throat locally for fast relief
  • Antacids – Help neutralize lingering stomach acid
  • OTC acid blockers – Reduce production of gastric acids

Avoid aspirin which could upset your stomach more. Always follow dosage recommendations closely and limit use to a few days maximum. See your doctor if symptoms don’t improve or worsen.

It’s time to make an appointment with your healthcare provider if you experience any of the following:

  • Fever over 101 F – Could signal an infection
  • Difficulty breathing – Potentially serious
  • Difficulty swallowing – May indicate a stricture
  • Hoarseness lasting over 2 weeks – Seek eval for vocal cord damage
  • Ear pain – Possible infection spread
  • Blood in vomit – Concerning signs of tears or ulcers

Also, touch base with your doctor if the lump sensation hasn’t resolved after 7-10 days or keeps coming back. Chronic irritation warrants further investigation to rule out Barrett’s esophagus, cancers, strictures, or other complications.

There is a very strong link between gastroesophageal reflux disease and experiencing a throat lump or tightness after vomiting.

Acid reflux occurs when your lower esophageal sphincter relaxes abnormally or doesn’t close completely, allowing caustic digestive fluids to regurgitate up into the delicate esophagus and throat tissues.

Repeated exposure to this stomach acid leads to irritation, inflammation, and ultimately that miserable clogged sensation in the throat.

Those already diagnosed with GERD are at high risk for lump feelings after vomiting since their sphincter valve already isn’t functioning optimally.

Lifestyle adjustments and medications to control reflux can help minimize lump sensations. See your doctor if symptoms are frequent or severe.

Uncontrolled GERD can lead to respiratory issues, ulcers, and esophageal cancer over time.

Extremely forceful vomiting has the potential to cause alarming esophageal injuries known as Mallory Weiss tears – linear lacerations or splits in the mucosa of the lower esophagus near the stomach.

The tremendous pressure placed on the esophagus during violent retching can essentially rupture its membranes.

Mallory Weiss’s tears lead to bleeding that may manifest as vomit resembling coffee grounds. Other common symptoms include chest pain, the sensation of a foreign body lodged in the throat, trouble swallowing, and stomach pain.

Mild tears often heal independently, but severe lacerations sometimes require endoscopic intervention to stop persistent bleeding and reduce the risk of hypovolemic shock.

Recurring bouts of vomiting definitely raise your likelihood of developing gastroesophageal reflux disease and esophagitis (inflamed esophagus).

Each episode exposes the lining of your esophagus to harsh stomach acids, potentially damaging tissues. Insufficient time between vomiting incidents prevents full healing.

Over time, chronic inflammation leads to softened tissue, ulcers, scarring, and even pre-cancerous cellular changes like Barrett’s esophagus.

People suffering from bulimia and recurring nausea from conditions like migraines and cyclic vomiting syndrome are at increased risk for these complications.

It’s crucial to treat any underlying issues perpetuating frequent vomiting.

Allergic reactions can sometimes play a role in lump feelings in the throat – both directly and indirectly. Seasonal allergies that lead to post-nasal drip may trigger persistent throat clearing.

This repetitive irritation can cause localized swelling and a clogged sensation.

Acid reflux is also a common symptom of some food allergies and intolerances. Reflux of stomach contents can instigate that tell-tale lump feeling after vomiting.

Keeping an allergy diary may identify problematic foods or environmental triggers to remove. Your doctor can pinpoint whether allergies could be stoking your throat woes.

The bottom line: that miserable lump lodged in your throat after vomiting is likely temporary and treatable. Implementing the right self-care techniques speeds healing.

But don’t hesitate to see your doctor if severe discomfort lasts over a week or you experience any warning signs like high fever, trouble breathing, or swallowing.

With the proper attention and treatment, you can kick even the most stubborn phantom throat lump to the curb.

Useful Links:

Lump in the throat – a case study

Lump in the throat A case study

Lump In Throat (Throat Fullness, Globus Syndrome, Globus Sensation, Globus Hystericus, Globus Pharyngeus)

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