The clay poultice with cling film for inflammation is a very common method of using clay, although many people suggest that the cloth poultice (pharmacy strip) is more suitable in this case.

In any case, the benefits of the clay poultice with food film are not to be demonstrated anymore, even if there is a possibility of flaw. Its use affects a wide range of health problems which, for the most part, are well cured with it. 

Here is a summary of everything you need to know about the clay poultice. 

I- How to make a homemade clay poultice

Start by putting a certain amount of dry clay in a non-metallic container (made of plastic or porcelain). You need a certain thickness because the clay must take time to dry. So, measure your amount of green clay carefully.

Add water, but do not stir.

After sealing your container, let it sit for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

After this time, take some clay using a paper towel as a glove and apply it to the area to be treated. Instead of a paper towel, you can also use a light cloth.

You can hold your green clay poultice in place with a cotton bandage, but not too tightly. Or with a cling film. Keep it between 1 and 3 hours.

II. Different variations of the poultice

1. Clay and cider vinegar

It is possible to add a little cider vinegar to a green clay poultice. It is also possible to replace all the water with cider vinegar.

If you use it for bruises or hematomas, add a little cider vinegar to your paste.

This will increase the action of the clay and accelerate your healing.

2. Clay and wintergreen essential oil

For this poultice, make your clay and water mixture normally. But add to your mixture three drops of essential oil of wintergreen, especially if the quantity is that of a salad bowl.

Wintergreen oil is an anti-inflammatory that will help in cases of tendonitis. It can also very well be associated with the EO of lemon eucalyptus.

III. Benefits of the clay poultice with cling film for inflammation and other health issues

The clay poultice with cling film does not have a good reputation with everyone. However, it is recommended by many wellness professionals.

1. Treating tendonitis

Tendonitis is an illness that attacks the tendons. You can have it following a physical activity (running, cycling…) or because of other factors.

The application of clay to the affected area, held in place with a plastic film, is a very common tip in these cases.

It is recommended for both humans and animals (especially horses).

Green clay not only relieves the pain of tendonitis but also absorbs toxins.

With a cling film, the clay stays moist longer. This process brings a feeling of relaxation to the whole body.

For more results, you can add other ingredients to your recipe. For example, white vinegar, arnica oil, and coarse Guérande salt.

If your tendonitis has been going on for a long time, you will probably need to use the poultice for a couple of weeks.

But if your pain is recent and not very serious, then 2 or 3 applications will be enough to relieve you.

2. Reduce joint pain

As with tendonitis previously, clay can be used in a poultice to bring relief to the joints.

The poultice is placed on the inflamed joint. It is a natural treatment that can bring real improvements.

The clay, because it has an anti-inflammatory effect, will soothe the pain of the joint. In addition, it will begin to drain waste products from the area.

Since a clay poultice is no longer effective when dry, the cling film will keep it moist longer. The clay will soothe your pain during the entire time it is applied.

But at some point, you will have to remove the film to let your poultice dry.

You can then remove it and put another one on if you want.

3. Absorption of toxins

Clay is known for its many benefits. Its draining faculty is one of the most known of its actions.

The action of green clay on sprains, tendonitis, and injuries is due to its properties.

Placed on the skin, the clay drains from the internal layers of the epidermis, the toxins, and waste that is there.

It can be used for the bones as well as for the internal organs such as the stomach.

This is why green clay is said to be absorbent. Its ability to exchange ions allows it to attract toxins to the surface of the skin on which it has been placed.

4. Curing swelling

You may have swelling on the skin due to edema. Swelling is related to bruises or infections.

In edema, serous fluid seeps into certain tissues, causing them to swell. This enlargement is the surface swelling you see on your skin.

Swelling is often caused by liquids. As green clay is draining and absorbing, its application allows curing the swellings.

Once the poultice is applied to the skin, the clay starts to work. It sucks the liquids out of the body, retaining them in their structure.

On top of that, while it is on your skin, your physical pain decreases.

For swelling care, several applications may be necessary. This will depend on the size of your lump.

IV. How long should a clay poultice with plastic film be kept

The amount of time a green clay poultice should be kept is not established with certainty.

Some believe that the poultice can be kept as long as one does not feel discomfort, or that the clay remains moist.

For others, one to two hours are enough. Then it is necessary to change it.

The poultice can also be kept overnight, especially when covered with cling film, which keeps it moist.

Establish your own application time. If you are putting clay on for the first time, listen to your sensations to decide when to remove it.

But avoid keeping it on your skin once the clay is completely dry.

V. Why some people don’t like the poultice with cling film

The clay poultice with cling film is far from being unanimously approved.

Many believe that the action of the clay is linked to its drying process. The plastic film, by preventing the clay from drying, would at the same time prevent the action of the clay.

In addition, many people find a clay that remains wet on their skin quite unpleasant.

It is also reproached to the clay poultice with food film to keep toxins inside the skin. Because the clay, unable to dry, would end up releasing waste into the body.

VI. What you should never do with clay

There are a few contraindications with clay.

First of all, one should always avoid handling clay with iron utensils. These neutralize the action of the clay by their composition, making it ineffective.

Avoid tap water because of the chemicals it contains. It could dull the effectiveness of the clay. Choose mineral water.

Clay should not be left on the skin once dry. It could dry out your skin.

Never use clay with kerosene oil internally. You will put your stomach’s health at risk.

VII. How to store green clay

If your clay is still in its crushed or powdered state, it is easy to store. In cardboard, porcelain, or wooden container, well closed. Take inspiration from the packaging in which you bought it.

But if you want to store your clay paste, you have to be more careful.

If you have made more clay than you can use, put the rest in a bowl. The bowl should have a lid. Close the bowl tightly and keep it in your refrigerator.

The dough will last just under a week.

Useful Links:

Bentonite clay: 11 benefits and uses

Bentonite Clay