How does magnesium help constipation? How to take magnesium for constipation? What is the right dosage? How long should a magnesium cure take? What are the foods rich in magnesium? And what are the possible side effects?

I. Main Causes of Constipation

Constipation is a rather embarrassing intestinal disorder that makes us feel as if we are swelling up because of the accumulation of stools that are too dry.

The causes of this plague differ from one person to another. It is often linked to a poor lifestyle, i.e. stress, lack of sleep, as well as an insufficiently balanced diet, or simply dehydration.

Constipation can be treated very easily due to natural products without really needing to resort to chemical drugs.

II. How Does Magnesium Help Constipation?

Magnesium is a very important mineral for the proper functioning of our body, in a general way.

It participates in a good activity for our body by evacuating toxins that our body is confronted with, such as those related to pollution or produced in a state of stress, due to an action that increases bile secretion and facilitates its elimination while strengthening the functions of the liver.

A magnesium deficiency can cause a lot of harm. Between chronic fatigue, hypertension, digestive problems, and muscle tension.

It is a real plague that affects us more and more because our diet is too low in magnesium.

But now, we are particularly interested in its effect on the digestive functions of our body.

Magnesium regulates the secretion of intestinal enzymes, more precisely those responsible for good transit.

It is known to have a vigorous laxative effect, so if you suffer from chronic constipation and refuse to use chemical drugs to get better, magnesium will be your ultimate friend, whether you consume it raw in the form of crystals, or via your diet by favoring mineral waters rich in magnesium or foods that contain a lot of it, such as prunes but also all other dried fruits, bananas, legumes, chickpeas, etc. …

You can use a magic potion of Nigari salt (magnesium that you can find in pharmacies).

Just mix 20 g of magnesium in 1 liter of boiled water to drink throughout the day.

The benefits of this mineral will be felt very quickly and you can easily find a perfect transit.

# Is Magnesium Laxative?  

There are different types of magnesium, with different effects on the body. Although magnesium, in general, is considered a laxative, it is important to take the most appropriate magnesium for each problem.

In cases of constipation, certain types of magnesium are particularly effective. We can mention magnesium citrate or magnesium chloride.

# Dosage of Magnesium for Constipation

For adults and children over 5 years old, drink one dose every 6 hours, for 48 hours, then every 8 hours until completely cured.

Knowing that a dose is equivalent to 125 ml or a normal glass, 1 liter of water should give you 8 doses.

It should be noted that 2 to 5 liters of magnesium are necessary to obtain good visible and lasting results.

You can take magnesium cures that last up to one month, but be careful not to exceed that, beyond that, this cure can have harmful effects on your body.

So be careful and do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice.

# Foods Rich in Magnesium to Avoid Constipation

A magnesium cure can be done via food supplements in the form of natural sea salts, capsules, ampoules or even dry oil to be applied directly to the skin.

But if you are the type of person who prefers to go natural, it is possible to take this mineral from our diet, by favouring foods rich in magnesium, here is a list:

  • Unsweetened cocoa powder, and dark chocolate.
  • Some green vegetables: beans …
  • Dried fruits: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, grapes, figs …
  • Dried vegetables: white beans, lentils, chickpeas, split peas …
  • Whole grains: Whole grain breads, whole grain rice, whole grain breakfast cereals.
  • Bananas.

# Can Magnesium Cause Constipation

The opposite is true. Magnesium is used to fight constipation and is not known to cause it.

Magnesium supplementation rarely causes constipation.

# Tips for Preventing Constipation

A healthy diet of fresh produce, fruits, and vegetables is a good way to prevent constipation.

Sufficient hydration, at least 2 liters of water per day, is also very important to promote intestinal transit.

Regular physical activity also brings many benefits to the human body.  

III. Other Benefits Health of Magnesium

Magnesium has many benefits on our body:

# Anti-fatigue

If you feel a slump, you may suffer from a magnesium deficiency.

In fact, the most common symptom of magnesium deficiency is fatigue, which is temporary at first and becomes chronic over time.

Consuming enough magnesium will give you energy and a new lease on life by helping your body to relax while giving you a feeling of relaxation and well-being.

# Anti-stress

One of the other symptoms of magnesium deficiency is irritability and psychological problems caused by stress.

A cure of this trace element will offer you a therapeutic effect and will calm stress as well as strong emotions.

You will regain serenity after a few weeks, due to its relaxing action against muscle cramps and heart palpitations when they are related to stress.

But it also has positive effects on heart health, the strength of our bones, memory, weight loss, fighting against osteoporosis, reducing white hair and gray complexion and so much more.

Trying to count the benefits of magnesium would be almost impossible given the importance and magnitude of its role in the proper functioning of our body.

IV- Side Effects of Magnesium

An overdose of magnesium can have serious consequences on our bodies. Magnesium treats constipation problems, among others, if it is consumed within the norms.

# Toxicity

In case of overdose, you may suffer from diarrhea more or less strong, as well as bloating.

But this is not the only effect on your digestive system, you may also experience vomiting and an increase in acidity in your stomach, resulting in abdominal pain.

You may also experience dehydration and low blood pressure.

If you suffer from kidney failure, please do not take magnesium without your doctor’s advice.

If you are a pregnant or nursing woman, please consult your doctor before deciding to take magnesium.

# Medication Interactions

Magnesium can lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. It is strongly recommended to take it only under medical advice, especially if you are already taking treatment against hypertension.

Magnesium is also not recommended when taken with diuretics. It is also not recommended to take it at the same time as antibiotics.

# Warning and Precautions

Magnesium supplementation is usually done on a one-time basis, for a limited amount of time.

Magnesium cures are done in case of great fatigue due to a magnesium deficiency. For these reasons, they should not exceed 3 months.

Moreover, it is important to respect the prescribed doses. The side effects of a magnesium overdose are numerous. It can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.

V- Other Questions About Magnesium for Constipation

# Where Can I Purchase Magnesium?

You can find magnesium for sale in pharmacies and some department stores. Even on the Internet, you can get magnesium from online sites. Magnesium is available over the counter.

# Who Shouldn’t Take Magnesium?

Magnesium is not recommended for people with low blood pressure, who may experience a worsening of their condition.

Similarly, magnesium is not recommended for people with kidney failure or who have developed myopathies.

# Can I Take 1000 mg of Magnesium for Constipation?

It is recommended to take 300 ml of magnesium for constipation. For magnesium citrate, the adult dose is between 75 ml and 150 ml.

It is important to respect the dosage of magnesium. Otherwise, you run the risk of seeing your intestinal problems worsen.

# Which Magnesium Is Best for Constipation?

Several types of magnesium can help with constipation. Magnesium citrate is known for its action in this sense.

It is a product that has a natural laxative effect. Still called Nigari, magnesium chloride also brings a lot to the body in case of constipation. We can also mention magnesium glycinate which is also effective.

# How Long It Take Magnesium to Work for Constipation?

The action of magnesium in cases of constipation is usually quite rapid. Within hours of taking magnesium, 6 hours maximum, you should feel its effect.

If after one day the magnesium has not relieved your constipation, avoid taking a second dose.

There are health risks if you overdose on magnesium. Instead, consult a health care professional for advice.

# Why Magnesium Make You Poop?

The action of magnesium in the intestines is to promote hydration, thus making stools softer.

Magnesium has a laxative effect because it relaxes the intestinal muscles. It restores the intestinal balance and thus helps to stop constipation.

# Does Magnesium Make Stool Dark?

Magnesium has no particular effect on the color of stools. If your stools are very dark, like charcoal, it may be a sign of a problem.

You may want to talk to a doctor to reassure yourself.

# Is It ok to Take Magnesium Every day for Constipation?

A magnesium cure is possible, especially in case of deficiency, but it must be temporary.

In case of constipation, magnesium is usually taken only once. As its action is quite fast, it is not necessarily necessary to renew the intake.

But if magnesium does not relieve your constipation, consult a health professional.

Useful Links:

Chronic constipation: A review of literature

A Study to Understand the Mechanisms of Normal and Disordered Defection

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