How to do a bowel cleanse with magnesium citrate? Why does it? Is it beneficial for our body? What are the contraindications of this intestinal cleansing with magnesium citrate?

I- Why Cleanse the Intestines with Magnesium Citrate? (Magnesium Health Benefits)

Magnesium is a very important mineral for the proper functioning of our body.

Generally speaking, it contributes to a good activity for our organism by evacuating the toxins that our body is confronted with, such as those linked to pollution or produced in a state of stress, due to an action that increases biliary secretion and facilitates its elimination while strengthening the functions of the liver.

A magnesium deficiency can cause a lot of harm. Between chronic fatigue, hypertension, digestive problems, and muscular tension, it is a real scourge that affects us more and more because our diet is too low in magnesium.

But now, we are more particularly interested in its effect on the digestive functions of our body.

What are its benefits, and above all, why cleanse the intestines via a cure of magnesium citrate? What are the benefits of such a cure?

1- Magnesium Citrate Cleanse for Constipation

Magnesium citrate regulates the secretion of intestinal enzymes, more specifically those responsible for good transit.

It is recognized as having a vigorous laxative effect, so if you suffer from chronic constipation and refuse to resort to chemical drugs to get better, magnesium citrate will help you.

Magnesium citrate will be your ultimate friend, whether you consume it raw in the form of crystals, or via your diet by favoring mineral waters rich in magnesium or foods that contain a lot of it, such as prunes but also all other dried fruits, bananas, legumes, chickpeas, etc. …

2- Heartburn

As mentioned above, magnesium citrate is responsible for the regulation of intestinal enzymes and has a very positive impact on good transit.

If you suffer from heartburn as well as acid reflux, a purification of your intestines due to a cure of magnesium citrate can only do you good.

You will be able to say goodbye to bloating, to acidity too present, and you will finally be able to benefit from a durable digestive comfort.

The effects of such a cure can be felt after one month, you will feel much lighter, and such digestive comfort will also have an impact on the quality of your sleep.

3- Muscle Pain and Cramps

One of the main symptoms of a magnesium deficiency is muscle tension. If you suffer from muscle pain or night cramps, you are probably lacking in magnesium and a cure will be welcome.

But its benefits are much more profound! Magnesium is the mineral responsible for the absorption of calcium by the bones.

In children, it is involved in the growth and consolidation of bones during their growth. It has been proven that a magnesium cure helps fight osteoporosis and preserves bone health at any age.

4- Preparing to Fast

Doing an intestinal cleanse helps to limit the side effects of the beginning of the fast, and the feeling of hunger.

It, therefore, facilitates entry into the fast.

It is recommended, but not necessary, but it will allow you to experience an easier fast.

Otherwise, the purge inaugurates the entry into the fast.

It is advisable to do an intestinal purge the day before, at the end of the day. For that, nothing better than a good purge with Nigari salt (marine and natural magnesium citrate)

By drinking one liter of boiled water, mixed with 20 grams of Nigari Salt, throughout the day, the day before the beginning of your fast.

II- How to do a bowel cleanse with magnesium citrate?

If you wish to make a purge (cleaning of the intestines with magnesium citrate) due to a cure of magnesium, I advise you the Nigari salt, pure magnesium citrate not chemically modified, which kept all its structure during the process of its manufacture.

Derived from sea salt, it will only bring you benefits without ever bothering you if however, you respect the proscribed doses.

Dilute one 20 g sachet of magnesium citrate or Nigari salt in one liter of boiled water. A trick consists in using a liter of water for cooking vegetables or mineral water rich in magnesium to boost the effect of this last one, then drinking this mixture during the day.

Repeat the next day. It should be noted that the purgative action of magnesium citrate is gentle and begins 1 to 3 hours after taking it.

It is not necessary to exceed 2 days of purging and it is better to do it at the end of the week, a weekend to anticipate the laxative effect of this last one, which can cause you a transit a little harder than usual.

# Dosage of Magnesium Citrate

It is rather advisable to take your daily magnesium requirement from food such as bananas.

But sometimes if there is a rather large deficiency of this mineral, then it is better to take it as a supplement.

The recommended dosage for adults is 320 mg/day for women and 420 mg/day for men!

For children, here are the averages:

1 to 3 years 75 mg/day

3 to 8 years 125 mg/day

9 to 12 years 230 mg/day

III- Side Effects and Contraindications for Magnesium

In our time, it is almost certain that we all suffer from magnesium deficiency, which is why taking this mineral is not really risky.

But like all good things, we must not abuse it and we must always be careful about taking products that we are not used to taking.

Cures should be occasional, twice a year for example, and should not become an obsession.

If you have any doubts, it is best to consult a doctor or your pharmacist to ensure that you are in no danger. No product should be taken lightly.

If you have cardiovascular problems or suffer from renal insufficiency, please do not consume magnesium without the advice of your doctor.

If you are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman, you can take Nigari Salt, but you are strongly advised to talk to your doctor before making any decision to preserve your health and that of your child.

You should also be aware of the laxative effect of magnesium if you suffer from diarrhea.

If you are taking medication, please consult your doctor before taking magnesium citrate.

IV- Other Question About a Bowel Cleanse with magnesium Citrate

1- Is It Safe to Cleanse with Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate is frequently used to cleanse the intestines, especially in cases of constipation. In fact, magnesium citrate is a laxative.

Like other laxatives, it can have unpleasant side effects. You may experience abdominal cramps, for example.

But this product remains relatively safe overall. The risks are rare.

2- How Magnesium Should I Take for a Colon Cleanse?

Before a colonoscopy, magnesium citrate may be prescribed by a doctor for a colon cleanse.

In these cases, your doctor will give you the procedure and dosage. You must follow his instructions.

3- What to Eat After Magnesium Citrate Cleanse?

It is advisable to always take magnesium citrate with meals.

This minimizes the risk of unpleasant side effects such as bloating and abdominal pain.

It is generally advisable to consume water-rich foods afterward and to stay well hydrated.

4- Will Magnesium Cause Weight Gain?

No. On the contrary, weight gain is prevented by the absorption of magnesium. Magnesium allows a better distribution of sugars and nutrients in the body.

This is why magnesium is very useful in the fight against diabetes and obesity.

By improving the functioning of the cells, this mineral increases the absorption capacity of the human body.

5- Does Magnesium Make You Poop Right Away?

The action of magnesium citrate is generally quite rapid. Between ½ hour and 6 hours after taking it, you should be able to defecate properly.

If a whole day goes by after you take magnesium citrate and you haven’t cured your constipation, see a professional.

6- How Long It Take to Clear your Bowels with Magnesium Citrate?

Abuse of laxatives is dangerous to your health. Taking magnesium to cleanse the intestines or get rid of constipation should therefore always be limited in time.

Use magnesium citrate to treat occasional constipation. Once it has worked, don’t use it again.

7- Does Magnesium Make You Poop Black? 

Magnesium can cause diarrhea, especially if taken in overdoses. However, taking magnesium does not cause dark stools.

Dark stools can be caused by digestive bleeding or by taking iron supplements.

If you have frequent dark stools, seek medical attention.

8- Which Magnesium Is Best for Detox?

There are different types of magnesium: Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium Malate, Magnesium taurate, Magnesium Threonate, Magnesium chloride, Magnesium citrate, and others even less interesting.

They are all recommended to detoxify the body.

But the most indicated in this case of detoxification are magnesium chloride and magnesium citrate.

9- How Much Water Should I Drink After Taking Magnesium Citrate

With each capsule or tablet of magnesium citrate, it is recommended to drink at least 250 ml of water.

This helps the absorption of the supplement and will prevent you from becoming dehydrated. Also, throughout the day, drink water regularly.

10- What Happens if You Don’t Poop After Taking Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate is a very effective natural laxative. It usually works fairly quickly, within 6 hours of taking it.

If, however, you do not have a bowel movement after this time, avoid taking a second dose of magnesium.

Before doing anything else, consult a professional for advice.

11- Does Vitamin D Deplete Magnesium?

Vitamin D can only be metabolized in the presence of magnesium.

Therefore, in people suffering from a lack of magnesium, vitamin D remains stored in the body.

It is then inactive. The action of vitamin D depends on the presence of magnesium in the body. Both elements reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

12- Is It Normal to Vomit After Drinking Magnesium Nitrate

One of the side effects of taking magnesium citrate may be vomiting. Indeed, it can happen that taking this supplement can cause nausea and vomiting.

Although this is very rare, it is best to stop taking magnesium citrate if this happens to you.

Also, consult a health care professional for advice on what to do next.

13- Can You Drink Alcohol While Taking Magnesium

Alcohol is a risk for magnesium deficiency. If you drink alcohol regularly, there is a good chance that you are magnesium deficient.

In addition, alcohol impairs the body’s ability to absorb magnesium.

For all these reasons, it is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking magnesium. It is also not recommended to take your magnesium with coffee or even tea.

Water remains the most suitable liquid for taking magnesium.

 Magnesium intake and mortality due to liver diseases

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