How to make a thyme tea recipe for calming diverticulitis? How to use thyme tea to relieve Diverticulitis? Is it effective in relieving pain due to diverticulitis and diverticulosis? What are the other natural remedies to treat and alleviate pain related to diverticulitis problems? And finally, what is the recommended menu for diverticulitis?
I. What is Diverticular Disease?
On the walls of the large intestine, small bumps can appear in Diverticulitis.
These can develop with age. Diverticulitis are a kind of hernia. They seem to be linked to a long diet low in fiber.
Diverticulitis is not a particular problem until they become inflamed. Diverticulosis and diverticulitis are the two diseases that inflammation or infection of Diverticulitis causes.
They are conditions of the digestive system, which usually affect people over 60 years old.
Apart from a poor diet, Diverticulitis can become inflamed or infected due to a sedentary lifestyle. Stress can also be a cause.
There are natural products used to treat Diverticulitis inflammation.
II. How to Make a Thyme Tea Recipe for Calming Diverticulitis?
1. How to Prepare the Thyme Tea Recipe for Diverticulitis
To prepare your thyme tea, you just need to boil water.
For each cup, count 15 grams of dry or fresh thyme, or approximately 2 teaspoons.
Once the water is boiled, pour it into the cup with your thyme inside.
Let it steep for 3 to 5 minutes, covered.
Your thyme tea is ready.
You can add a little honey and lemon juice before drinking it in the morning.
Thyme is a fragrant herb, but it is best to prepare your tea just before drinking it. Thyme becomes rancid quite quickly.
2. How Thyme Works on Diverticulitis
The use of thyme to soothe and heal stomach ailments is not a recent practice.
This herb has been known for centuries for its virtues. Thyme is an antispasmodic, which soothes stomach aches and pains.
It is also a digestive plant, which relieves swollen bellies and stimulates the digestive system.
Antioxidant and antibacterial, thyme allows restoration and regeneration of the cells of the intestinal flora.
The use of thyme tea allows acting on the slow digestions, often due to too heavy food.
By supporting the intestinal work, thyme avoids toxins to accumulate in the body.
It is a very useful tea in case of bloating, constipation, or gas.
3. How Do you Stop a Diverticulitis Flare Up?
To prevent diverticulitis from becoming more serious, follow these simple tips:
- Follow an antibiotic treatment that your doctor will prescribe.
- Drink more fluids daily (preferably natural water and fruit juices).
- A proper diet, rich in fiber and with fewer residues.
- Take herbal teas.
But for more serious diverticulitis, surgery may be necessary.
III. Links Between Diverticulitis and Thyme
Diverticulitis appears because of a diet low in fiber. Thyme is a plant that is, precisely, rich in fiber. It can therefore compensate for this deficiency and improve your health.
Moreover, as an analgesic and antispasmodic, thyme acts on gastric pain caused by diverticulitis.
It can be used as a condiment or drunk as herbal tea. Thyme will bring relief if you have inflamed Diverticulitis.
IV- Other Best Tea for Diveticulitis
# Pippermint for Diverticulitis
As we have just seen above, diverticulum problems are multiplied in case of great spasms of the intestines.
And recent scientific studies suggest that peppermint oil capsules greatly help the body to reduce intestinal spasms and greatly relieve the muscles of intestinal transit.
In short, peppermint can be a great help in alleviating the effects of symptoms due to diverticular disease.
# Black Tea and Diverticulitis
Many cases of diverticulosis (small pockets of infection in the intestines) progressively develop into diverticulitis with symptoms of varying intensity.
These pockets, called diverticula, contain fecal residue that hardens into clots, irritating the intestinal mucosa and creating a breeding ground for bacterial infections.
Tea and some other natural remedies can be particularly effective as a preventive measure against diverticulitis.
Some green teas are known to relax the intestines and thus reduce the symptoms of this disease.
As for black tea, I have not found any scientific study that confirms the effectiveness of this tea.
In any case, if you are subject to this disease of the intestinal mucous membranes, try black tea for a few days and you will see how your body reacts to this tea.
So if your symptoms diminish, continue to take black tea, because there are no known contraindications of tea in general for the intestines.
# Chamomile Tea and Diverticulitis
Chamomile tea is an excellent natural remedy to fight against all forms of inflammation of the digestive system, especially it relieves the intestinal muscles and reduces cramps and spasms.
Knowing that these muscle cramps increase the pain in the stomach. This is why it is advisable in case of diverticulitis to take chamomile tea.
To prepare a chamomile tea, you will boil water. Then put in some fresh leaves (chamomile tea bags are less effective than fresh leaves).
Let infuse a few minutes.
You can add a spoonful of organic honey to soften its taste before drinking this tea.
Note that chamomile tea is not recommended for pregnant women and people with blood clotting problems.
# Is ginger Tea Good for Diverticulitis?
Ginger is also a very effective natural ingredient for reducing many inflammations related to the digestive system.
Taking it as a tea can help calm the bowels and reduce recurring spasms. This is excellent for the problem of diverticulitis.
To prepare a ginger tea, you need to heat water in a small saucepan, put in a piece of ginger of a few centimeters.
You can add cinnamon and turmeric.
Let the whole thing heat up on a low flame for about fifteen minutes while making sure to stir the mixture.
After removing it from the fire, let it infuse. Then filter it, and put a spoonful of organic honey before drinking.
You can take this ginger tea two to three times a day.
And you can continue to consume this ginger tea as long as you feel its positive effect on your diverticulitis and your digestive system in general.
# Turmeric and Diverticulitis
On croit que la diverticulite est provoquée par une mauvaise alimentation qui s’est poursuivie sur une longue période.
Le curcuma est un ingrédient naturel et un anti-inflammatoire très puissant.
Il se consomme en très faible quantité, car il a la faculté d’augmenter la température corporelle, et son goût est assez fort.
Le curcuma permet de réduire les gonflements intestinaux causés par la diverticulite.
# Is coffee bad for diverticulitis?
Caffeine is a very powerful natural stimulant. Taking it in large quantities can negatively affect the condition of the intestines, forcing them to work harder and thus inducing cramps and spasms.
In addition, coffee can interact with some medications taken for diverticulitis and lengthen the healing time.
That is why it is advisable to consume caffeine in moderation when suffering from a disease related to the digestive system.

# Is Aloe Vera Juice Good for Diverticulitis?
Aloe vera juice is consumed among other things to cleanse the digestive system digestive system and purify the colon where fecal waste accumulates over time.
Drinking aloe vera juice will prevent the formation of diverticulitis on the intestinal walls.
V- Can Tea Help Diverticulitis?
# Some are Antibacterial
Many teas have a reputation for fighting the growth of bad bacteria in the digestive system.
There are no conclusive scientific studies on the effectiveness of teas in killing bacteria.
But many teas can reduce the nuisance of bacteria in the intestines and thus prevent diverticulosis from developing into diverticulitis.
# Promoting Digestion
With all the bad food that we ingest in our modern times, the digestive system is subjected to hard work that deprives it of its ability to digest different foods efficiently.
And that is why it needs external help to do its digestive work well.
And the different teas we have just seen are all good for digestion.
# Some are Anti-inflammatory Teas
Some herbal teas are very good remedies against all forms of inflammation.
And diverticulitis is one of these inflammations of the intestine that some herbal teas like thyme, chamomile, ginger, marshmallow, and cat’s claw calm down.
Some of them relieve the intestines and reduce chronic pain due to diverticulitis. And others reduce the inflammation induced by the disease, which accelerates healing.
It should be remembered that pregnant women should take precautions concerning taking certain herbal teas and should consult their doctor for any natural medicine they want to take.
They are also to be avoided by people with allergies or those who are taking medication that may interact with herbal teas.
# Help with Gaz Issues
We all know that one of the symptoms of diverticulitis is bloating of the stomach and a significant increase in gas production within the digestive system, especially in the intestines.
Thyme, ginger, and peppermint tea are very effective in relieving the digestive system from the excess gas produced.
So, it is inferred that taking a tea or two a day made from these natural ingredients that we have mentioned throughout the article, will only reduce gas and bloating due to diverticulitis. This will relieve you of the pain and help to heal faster.
VI. Other Natural Remedies for Calming Diverticulitis
1. Apple Cider Vinegar for Diverticulitis
In a large glass of warm water, add 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar and the same amount of raw honey.
Stir until you get a homogeneous liquid, and drink it in the morning and throughout the day if you want.
This mixture is excellent for cleansing the colon. Since Diverticulitis puts a strain on the colon, cider vinegar and honey can work to improve its condition.
Moreover, cider vinegar is very useful for digestion. It contains bacteria that allow food to break down more easily in the intestine.
This same recipe is recommended in cases of inflammation. For better action, consume this cider vinegar and honey mixture at least half an hour before each meal.
You will digest better.
2. Charcoal to relieve Divertuculitis
Activated charcoal can be used to help you fight your diverticulosis.
It is easily available in drugstores and organic stores, especially in capsule form.
You can consume it alone, following the dosage written on it or by asking a naturopath.
It is also possible to combine activated charcoal with other plants, such as blond psyllium, to improve intestinal health.
In this case, there is a simple recipe:
Put 3 tablespoons of psyllium and ½ of activated charcoal (powder) in a glass of water.
Swallow this mixture on an empty stomach every morning.
For convenience, it is best to start with small amounts of each product.
Activated charcoal is derived from the burning of white wood, which is then activated by a heating process in the presence of air and oxidizing gases.
It is this process that gives it its properties, the first of which is to be absorbent. Activated charcoal absorbs bacteria and gases, and retains them in its structure.
The blond psyllium as for him is a plant that treats the colics, as well as the duodenal ulcers. While improving intestinal transit.
The association of the two products allows your body not only to be rid of toxins but also to have an improved transit.
3. Eat Sardines to Reduce Diverticulotis Pain
To fight diverticulitis or diverticulosis, it is important to have a healthy diet.
Fiber should be reintroduced into the diet gradually, to give the body time to get used to it.
As part of an appropriate diet, especially in cases of sigmoid diverticulitis, the consumption of fish is recommended.
Sardines can be good food, especially if they are steamed.
4. Semolina for Diverticulitis
Semolina can also be part of a diet in cases of sigmoid diverticulitis. Especially if it is not a whole grain.
In case of inflammation of the Diverticulitis, certain foods should be avoided.
Semolina, starches, or stale white bread are products that you can eat.
However, you should seek professional advice beforehand.
VII. Recommended Menus for Calming Diverticulitis
Here is a special menu for sigmoid diverticulitis.
Morning: “Kansas” breakfast. Extremely high fiber breakfast. It consists of orange juice, cereal, skim milk, whole grain bread, hemp and flax seeds, and apricot jam.
Snack: One plain yogurt.
Noon: Two slices of rye bread, flan soup éclair, grilled asparagus, and banana.
Snack: Cheese and carrot spread.
Evening: Breaded fish fillets, barley “risotto”, mushrooms with shallots, tomato, and green bean salad, one slice of bread (rye), and caramel cream.