How to remove dark spots on face with baking soda? What are the best-recommended recipes using baking soda? How to use Baking Soda on Face for Dark Spots? How does it work on these skin problems? What are the benefits of baking soda for your skin? Baking soda disadvantages for skin? And finally what are the other natural remedies to remove these dark spots from the face?
I. Brief Review of the Causes of Dark Spots
Brown and dark spots are pigmentary spots that affect the skin. They are also mistakenly called age spots, although they can have other causes.
Whether they are darker or lighter than the rest of the skin on the face, dark spots interfere with the uniformity of skin tone.
The climate, especially long exposure to the sun, can also be the cause of these spots. As well as genetics, hormonal imbalance, stress or poor hygiene.
There are medical means to treat these skin conditions. But you can also use natural methods to get rid of them.
II. How to Remove Dark Spots on Face with Baking Soda
1. How to use Baking Soda on Face for Dark Spots
a) Baking Soda and Water for Dark Spots on Face
Make a baking soda solution by mixing 1-2 spoons of baking soda with water. Once the liquid is ready, soak a cotton ball in it and apply it to your dark spots.
Wait for 15 to 30 minutes before washing your face. Dry it carefully and moisturize it. For best results, do this 2 to 3 times a week.
b) Baking Soda and Lemon for Dark Spots on Face
You can also mix baking soda with lemon juice.
The resulting paste is applied to the areas to be treated for 3 minutes.
Then act in the same way as with the previous method.
This mixture is very strong and can be dangerous for those with dry or sensitive skin.
c) Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar for Dark Spots on Face
The third method mixes baking soda with cider vinegar.
As with the previous method, it should be made into a paste and applied to dark spots.
On hyper-pigmented spots, you should keep this paste for 15 minutes before rinsing, washing, and drying your face.
d) Baking Soda and Honey for Dark Spots on Face
Honey and baking soda can also be combined. The resulting paste is applied to clean skin for at least 10 minutes before rinsing and washing your face.
e) Baking soda and yogurt for Dark Spots on Face
Another effective mixture for fading dark spots.
Use the mixture of the two as a mask.
The enzymes in the yogurt naturally whiten the skin. It is also a product that moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.
f) Coconut Oil and Baking Soda for Dark Spots
Coconut oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it effective in cleaning and soothing the skin.
While baking soda is excellent for removing dead skin and whitening the epidermis.
The use of their mixture is quite simple.
Take two large spoonfuls of coconut oil to one spoonful of baking soda. Then mix them to obtain a rather white and viscous mixture.
Apply the mixture on the skin of the face and let it rest for 15 minutes before rinsing the dried paste with warm water.
You can apply this mixture 3 to 5 times a week for as long as needed.
Your skin will whiten slightly and be free of dark spots.
g) Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda for Dark Spots
Hydrogen peroxide is also a very good exfoliant that cleanses the skin thoroughly.
In combination with baking soda, it becomes more effective in quickly removing dark spots from the face and other parts of the body.
Mix a few drops of hydrogen peroxide with two to three tablespoons of baking soda.
Then make a mask for your face with the resulting mixture, being careful not to touch the eyes, to avoid irritation.
Leave it on for about 20 minutes until the mixture is dry.
Rinse your skin with warm water and dry it with a soft towel.
This solution should not be used often as it may cause skin irritation in some people.
If you are too sensitive to hydrogen peroxide, then it is best to avoid using it to remove dark spots from the face and turn to the other alternatives we have given you in this article.
2. Does Baking Soda Powder Remove Dark Spots (How it Works)?
Baking soda has a slightly granular constitution, which is very useful for exfoliating the face. It allows the skin to be rid of dead cells, to find softness and freshness.
Dark spots are reduced by the lightning action of baking soda, which regulates and unifies the complexion.

III- Benefits of Baking Soda for Your Skin
# Benefits of baking Soda for Lightening Dark spots and Glowing the Skin
As age advances, the skin ages and loses its radiance, and becomes dull.
To slow down this inexorable aging process, we need to follow a healthy lifestyle, eat organic food and lots of vegetables and fruits, as well as exercise daily.
But, for our happiness, there are natural ingredients that we can use to give back some of our youthful glow and repair the skin that has been subjected to a lot of aggression during our life.
And among these ingredients, we find baking soda.
And one of the best solutions to brighten the skin is the mixture of baking soda with natural orange juice.
The use is simple: One tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of orange juice.
Mix them and make a mask on your face.
Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off.
Use this mask as much as you like, it has almost no known side effects, unless you are allergic to one of the two products.
# Benefits of baking Soda for Removing Dead Skin Cells
One of the problems of our facial skin is the lack of collagen and the difficulty to get rid of dead cells quickly.
Baking soda, as mentioned above, is very useful to exfoliate the skin and clean it from the dead cells that still cling.
The formula for using it is much simpler than the previous one.
You will only need a tablespoon of baking soda, which you will mix with distilled water preferably.
Apply this scrub to the skin of the face, massaging it in a circular motion with your fingers, being careful not to touch the inside of the eyes.
This scrub is excellent to have fresh skin without dead cells inside. You can do it once or twice a week.
# Benefits of Baking Soda for Ingrowing Hair Removal
Ingrown hairs are those hairs that grow inside the hair follicle and since they can’t get out, they create a kind of ugly bump without the skin.
I don’t know anyone who can stand ingrown hairs.
The only way to get rid of them is to pluck them. And even plucking them is sometimes very difficult to do.
That’s why we recommend using baking soda to soften the skin and make hair removal easier. Its regular use on the skin avoids the large number of ingrown hairs.
The removal of ingrown hairs is a delicate process.
First, soften the skin with a vegetable oil such as castor oil or argan oil, and then make a scrub using baking soda mixed with water.
Finally, using tweezers, start removing ingrown hairs.
# Benefits of Baking Soda for Preventing Blackheads
There are two types of blackheads. The ones caused by acne and the ones that come from external pollution that clogs the dilated pores of the skin.
In general, oily skin has dilated pores and secretes much more sebum, not to mention all the external dirt that easily gets lodged in these wide-open pores.
Baking soda, with its astringent properties, helps tighten the skin’s tissues and close up the dilated pores.
# Benefits of baking Soda for Eliminating Odor
Baking soda, due to its antibacterial property, can be used to remove body odor.
Simply put a little of this salt mixed with tap water and rub the parts of the body that are likely to give more odor acres, such as armpits and private parts.
Do not apply right after shaving or waxing. It may irritate you if you have sensitive skin.
For foot odor, sprinkle the inside of your shoes with a tablespoon of baking soda. Leave it on overnight and then clean.
This method will remove old odors and freshen the inside of the shoes.
IV. Baking Soda Dark Spots on Legs
All the formulas and methods that can be used to remove dark spots from the face can be used to remove those from the legs and other parts of the body.
It is believed that the main cause of these spots on the legs is due to skin hyperpigmentation, which is caused by excessive production of melanin.
This problem of excess melanin results in flat patches of skin of dark color, different sizes, and shapes.
The simplest method is to mix baking soda with water.
Make the mixture of the equivalent of one tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of water.
Then, scrub the whole leg, for at least 10 minutes, passing even through the unaffected parts.
Leave it on for half an hour and then rinse it off with water.
If you are not sensitive to this salt, you can use this method daily until the black spots on your legs disappear.
V- Baking Soda Disadvantages for Skin
It is very rare to see any adverse effects of baking soda in anyone. But, it still exists.
Because some people for unknown reasons are allergic to this very beneficial salt for most humans.
The adverse effects of baking soda on the skin can be swelling of the treated body part, redness, pimples, and sometimes muscle pain.
Sometimes using baking soda on sensitive skin can cause itching and hives.
If this is your first time using baking soda on the skin, test a small area first to make sure you are not allergic.
Also, its drying effect can induce irritation in some sensitive skin and can even cause a little acne, which is very rare.

VI- Other Natural Remedies to Remove Dark Spots from the Face
1. Clay and Lemon
Mix three teaspoons of white clay and one teaspoon of lemon juice in a container. Once the paste is homogeneous, put it on your face as a mask, avoiding the eye and lip areas.
The mask is done on clean skin and must be maintained for 20 minutes. Then, remove the mask with lukewarm water.
Dry your face and apply your moisturizer.
2. Exfoliation for Dark Spots on Face
Exfoliating is a good way to remove dark spots. The key is to use a regular scrub that is applied to your dark spots.
To do this, use this natural scrub recipe.
Mix one teaspoon of sugar, one almond powder, and one tablespoon of honey.
Make sure you have a clean face before applying it to it, massaging gently.
Leave on for 2 minutes and then rinse with clear, warm water.
The scrub is effective on dark spots because it removes dead skin, which restores radiance to the skin.
If you are not used to skin treatments, do this scrub every 3 days or so.
3. Essential Oils for Dark Spots on Face
Several essential oils can help you fight your dark spots.
The best known are celery essential oil and carrot essential oil.
You can use celery essential oil by adding a few drops of it to your face cream.
Once you have applied a little of this modified cream on your dark spots, wait for 15 minutes.
Then, wash and rinse your face before applying your basic moisturizer.
Be careful with this oil, as it can affect your hormones. Also, do not expose yourself to the sun with it on your face.
For this reason, it is best to apply it at night, on clean skin, before going to bed. You will be able to keep it all night and rinse your face in the morning.
It is important, before use, to mix your essential oil with vegetable oil. The proportions are one drop of essential oil for 20 of vegetable oil.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar for Dark Spots on Face
Mix equal amounts of cider vinegar and clear water. Using a cotton ball or a cotton swab, take some of this liquid and apply it locally to your dark spots.
After about 30 minutes, rinse your face with cold water. Then wash it with a mild soap, dry it, and put on your moisturizer.
Do this twice a day, and use organic vinegar for best results.
Cider vinegar works on dark spots by lightening the skin and smoothing it.
In addition, this compound cleanses the skin, removes dead skin, and helps with cell renewal.
5. Potato for Dark Spots on Face
Start by peeling your potato and slicing it. Take a slice of potato and massage it all over your face.
Your face should have been washed and cleansed beforehand.
Practice the massage for 10 minutes.
Juice a second potato by blending it or using a juicer.
Put some of this juice on cotton pads and put them on the areas to be treated.
Leave on for 20 minutes.
Do this once or twice a week.
Potato refines skin texture, helps even out skin tone and prevents dark spots.
It is a natural and effective way to fight against them.
You can also add a little lemon and tomato juice to your potato juice. This recipe will be even more effective.
6. Pineapple for Dark Spots on Face
You can also use pineapple to get rid of dark spots on your face.
Once you have peeled your pineapple, cut it into small pieces. On your dark spots, rub it and let it dry.
After several minutes, simply rinse with clear water, before drying your face and applying a moisturizer.
Pineapple contains, a bit like lemon, vitamin C which helps to lighten the skin.