How to use aloe vera for eyes? What are its benefits for the eyes? How to make an eye mask with aloe vera gel? And finally, how to use aloe vera drops to cure conjunctivitis and eye irritations?

I. What is aloe vera?

Aloe vera is a plant with medicinal properties whose use dates back several millennia.

The virtues that it offers in external use are innumerable and are done mainly on the skin, which pushed the manufacturers of cosmetic products to take advantage of it.

But the benefits are not limited to cutaneous use, they extend to internal use to act in internal therapies.

History teaches us that several peoples have used the curative characteristics of aloe.

Some claim a North African and Mediterranean origin, although today it is cultivated in different parts of the world, especially in warm places.

Like garlic, onion, and asparagus, aloe vera belongs to the lily family but the genus Aloe. Its leaves are fleshy on the axis and thorny on the ends and grow in arborescence reaching sometimes more than 80 cm in height.

They are made up of bark on the outside, and sap and pulp inside. The latter is in the form of a translucent gel that contains an infinite number of elements including essential nutrients for the human body.

 As for the sap, it has a substance called aloin, a natural laxative for humans, a faculty that is well exploited by manufacturers of medicines and cosmetics.

NB: It is strictly not recommended to put aloe vera drops inside your eyes without the agreement and monitoring of your doctor. Aloe vera gel inside the eyes is sometimes very dangerous for some people!

II. How to Use Aloe Vera for Eyes?

There is nothing more valuable than the eyes, as the ancients used to say! Therefore, it is more than normal when you have superficial and light concerns on this part of the body to resort to natural remedies that are both effective and safe.

It is possible to apply aloe vera gel (cleaned from latex) on your eyes when it comes to curing the following problems:

  • Eye irritation
  • Degradation of visual health
  • formation of wrinkles around the eyes
  • The appearance of dark circles

The ability of aloe vera to cure these eye problems is derived from the fact that it has great antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, the plant contains nutrients that strengthen the ocular system by providing the necessary nutrients for its proper functioning.

# Aloe vera for Eyes, best use

To use Aloe Vera around the eyes, you will need to extract the Aloe Vera gel from the plant’s leaves. Extracting the gel from the plant is extremely easy and can be done at home.

After extracting the aloe gel, simply follow the steps outlined below to treat dryness, sunburn, redness, and inflammation around the eyes:

Step 1: Using a mild cleanser and water, wash your face.

Note: You must use clean water to wash your face. If you don’t have access to clean water – for example, when hiking in the wilderness – be sure to use a backpack water filter to purify the water.

Step 2: Using your favorite towel or bath towel, dry your skin completely.

Step 3: Lightly dab your Aloe Vera gel around your eyes (or on the affected area) in a thin layer.

Note: Avoid rubbing the gel into the skin (like a lotion). Also, avoid putting the Aloe Vera gel near your eyes.

Step 4: Leave the gel on for about 10 to 15 minutes. After about 15 minutes, simply rinse the gel off with warm water. If, however, you are using the aloe gel as a moisturizer, consider letting it soak into your skin.

You can use the gel up to three times a day to treat any condition around the eyes. However, you should note that Aloe Vera gel can easily dry out the skin – this usually happens if you use the gel too frequently. If you start to notice dryness around your eyes, use Aloe Vera gel less often.

# Aloe vera gel and honey eye mask

The eye contour is a very sensitive area and is also important for the beautification and radiance of the face. However, it is common for this area to be exposed to external damage such as the appearance of dark circles and aging wrinkles.

Whether you are young or old, it is possible to reduce or prevent this damage with aloe vera.

Aloe vera not only deeply moisturizes the skin but also nourishes it with various nutrients that facilitate blood circulation and regulate the functioning of lymphatic tissue.

To make the eye mask, it is possible to mix aloe vera with honey. The latter has almost similar or complementary effects to aloe vera gel, as it also softens and allows the elasticity of the epidermis.

The measurements of the two ingredients are not difficult to calculate, you must take each time a quantity of aloe vera double that of honey ex: if you take 4 spoons of aloe gel, you add 2 spoons of honey to it.

Start by crushing the aloe vera pulp with a blender, then mix the two elements in a bowl.

To apply, use your clean fingers or preferably a brush and rub the substance under the eyes and on the eyelids.

Repeat the operation regularly to get a satisfactory result and don’t forget to keep the excess mixture in a fridge so that it doesn’t rot.

# Aloe Vera and Vitamin E

If you are looking for a natural remedy to eliminate dark circles, then antioxidant-rich vitamin E is the perfect ingredient.

It delays the aging process and moisturizes the skin and helps it glow from within. Since vitamin E and aloe vera gel are rich in vitamins and one is a vitamin in itself, they make a great pair and are one of the biggest contributors to healthy skin that works wonders on dark circles.

Vitamin E has great restorative abilities and fights the damaging effects of free radicals, and the aloe vera dark circle treatment is ideal. 

# Relief of irritated eyes with aloe vera

Conjunctival irritation is a relatively dangerous condition if left untreated. However, choosing the right treatment is also an important factor in its cure.

As already mentioned, aloe vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties due to the nutrients it contains.

This allows for a restorative effect and relief of conjunctivitis.

For the application, you have the choice between adding honey to the aloe because it also possesses antiseptic capacities, or using it alone, a thing besides which we recommend you this time.

Remove the aloe vera pulp from its leaf, then grind it until it is completely liquefied.

When extracting the gel, make sure that the sap is completely removed so as not to cause you any inconvenience.

Soak a cotton ball with the prepared substance and then rub it around the eyes, especially on the eyelids and lashes.

You must repeat the therapy three times a day until the irritation disappears.

# Aloe Vera and Potato Juice for Dry Eyes

Potato is one of the most effective remedies to erase any discoloration of the skin. It is the coolness found in potatoes that helps reduce inflammation and swelling of the vessels under the eyes.

When this juice is mixed with aloe vera gel, it can do wonders in minimizing the darkness under the eyes.

Thus, aloe vera to eliminate dark circles can be one of the best remedies available.

# Improving visual health with aloe vera

Although human visual capacities decrease at a certain age, it is possible to delay this degradation with certain practices. These practices consist of behavioral and nutritional habits.

The consumption of aloe vera as well as its application to the eye contours allows the improvement of visual health considerably.

The effects that this plant brings to our eyes are exercised in a direct and indirect way and this by three means.

  1. The antiseptic attributes of aloe fight certain eye diseases and help fight related infections. This would delay the deterioration of the eyes or avoid it completely.
  2. Regulated production of white blood cells would have a positive impact on the excellent health of the eyes. Regular consumption of aloe vera stimulates the production of these cells, which significantly improves the quality of vision.
  3. In addition, this plant helps the metabolism to regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes. Diabetes is one of the causes of visual deterioration, so it is concluded that aloe vera indirectly helps to maintain good visual health. 

In order to prepare the remedy of visual health with aloe vera, it is necessary to find a good seasoning. We have chosen three other ingredients with refined taste and nutritious components, with the following measurements.

  • 50 g of chopped nuts
  • 100 g of crushed aloe vera
  • 20 g of honey
  • Juice of one lemon

Put the nuts and the aloe vera gel in a food grinder for 2 minutes, then pour them into a container and mix them with the other ingredients until homogenized.

Divide the resulting liquid or cream into three equal amounts to be consumed throughout the day.

# Reducing wrinkles with aloe vera

With aging or sometimes because of a poor lifestyle, wrinkles appear on the face, especially around the eyes.

Whether it is to prevent them or to reduce them, it is possible to apply aloe vera gel to these skin deformations.

As we keep saying, this plant contains nutrients such as enzymes, proteins, and vitamins that repair the skin.

In addition, its rich water content allows for deep hydration of the skin and consequently gives it elasticity.

The best way to use aloe gel is to take it in its pure state. Besides, not seasoning can also be a good idea as it has everything the skin needs.

Take a piece of the pulp of the plant previously cleaned of the sap and rub it around your eyes and on your forehead.

You will feel it viscous and fresh, you leave it 30 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.

Repeat the application regularly until you feel a change.

# Aloe Vera and Rose Water

Rose water has some great benefits. It is suitable for all skin types. It helps in removing excess oil present on the face and tones the skin evenly.

It also helps in moisturizing the skin and reduces the puffiness of the skin due to its anti-inflammatory and calming properties.

Aloe vera for dark circles, when mixed with rose water, can slow down aging, and improve and even out skin tone. It helps to remove dark pigmentation and brighten the skin.

# How to Make Aloe Vera Eye Drops

The redness and itching that appears on the conjunctiva can be dangerous as already mentioned above.

Caused by inflammation or irritation, conjunctivitis must be cured immediately and with a safe remedy.

To achieve this, it is possible to apply aloe vera to the eyes, but not with the forms mentioned above.

This time it is a question of using drops designed from aloe. This use is particularly useful against spring allergies.

It is better to buy them in wellness stores, but it is also possible to make them yourself at home if you are sure to have enough culture in handling natural products and their conservation.

We present to you the way to do it

You will need 50 ml of aloe vera and 50 ml of water. Mix these two elements that you must filter several times with gauze to constitute an eyewash.

You put the resulting liquid in a dropper bottle that you must keep well.

NB: It is strictly not recommended to put aloe vera drops inside your eyes without the agreement and monitoring of your doctor. Aloe vera gel inside the eyes is sometimes very dangerous for some people!

III. Does Aloe Vera Help Reduce Dark Circles?

Aloe Vera for dark circles is one of the best natural products alongside others such as potato juice, lemon juice, and even rose water.

You can opt for suitable combinations with aloe vera for dark circles under the eyes by selecting according to your skin type.

Aloe vera also helps in maintaining many things like skin, hair, etc. It is good to use home remedies for any problem instead of using expensive creams.

IV. Benefits of Using Aloe Vera Under Your Eyes?

1. Repair of the skin around the eyes

Aloe vera can help prevent new signs of aging around the eyes.

The components of aloe vera also help your skin produce collagen and elastin, making it look smoother and more elastic.

2. Exfoliates Dead Skin

It is important to exfoliate the skin to get rid of dead skin cells and rid the pores of dirt.

Aloe vera is a known cleansing agent, enriched with antibacterial properties that gently remove impurities.

Its antiseptic properties protect the skin from bacteria, which helps prevent acne and skin infections.

3. Moisturizing Effects

If you have dry skin around the eyes, Aloe Vera lotion or gel can be a perfect solution to this problem.

The enzymes and water in Aloe Vera products can help moisten the skin and eliminate itching and flaking.

If you have dry skin in cold weather, using Aloe Vera can help get rid of the problem.

If you have oily skin, you won’t have to worry that using Aloe Vera for its moisturizing benefits is a bad idea.

When used regularly, Aloe Vera can act as a gentle cleanser, helping you to clean your oily skin.

4. Fights Fungus

Widely used to soothe the skin, aloe vera is one of the best natural skin remedies and is also a great healing agent for fungal infections.

Since it is antiseptic in nature, aloe vera works against fungi and bacteria by killing them. It can also inhibit the growth of yeast.

5. Prevents Lines and Wrinkles

Aloe vera extract helps to naturally increase collagen production in the body, which helps to reduce visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.

Collagen helps reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin while improving skin elasticity.

6. Reduction of Inflammation

It’s not uncommon for people to experience embarrassing puffiness and swelling around the eyes. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes the plant an ideal natural remedy.

When you apply Aloe Vera topically to the skin, the enzymes and fatty acids in the plant will help reduce inflammation.

The amino acids in Aloe Vera – including salicylic acid – have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce and heal acne and minor skin wounds. These properties also make Aloe Vera an ideal solution for sunburn.

7. Heals Minor Cuts or burns

Aloe Vera is best used for minor burns and skin irritations. It speeds up the healing process. However, it should never be applied to an open wound.

8. Reduces Sun Damage Around the Eyes

Aloe vera can reduce sun damage around the eyes.

To treat sunburn, inflammation, redness, or dryness around the eyes: Gently wash your face with water and a mild cleanser.

Pat your skin dry, then lightly dab a small amount of aloe vera gel on the affected skin in a thin layer.

9. Regulates Skin Tone

Most people deal with dark circles around the eyes. Dark circles result from fatigue, stress, toxin accumulation, and even genetic factors.

Aloe Vera can help regulate skin tone and blood circulation around the eyes, which helps eliminate dark circles.

V. Other Questions about aloe vera for the eyes

1. Is It Safe to Put Aloe Vera in Your Eyes?

While Aloe Vera is generally safe for your skin, it can have negative effects if it gets into your eyes.

To reap the incredible benefits of Aloe Vera gel, be sure to only apply it to the outside of your eye.

Do not apply the gel near the edge of your eyelid as the gel can enter the eye when you blink.

2. Can You Use Aloe Vera Straight from the Plant on Your Face?

It is not recommended to put Aloe Vera gel directly into the eyes. This could cause redness, irritation, burning, and other negative effects.

The best way to get the most benefit from Aloe Vera is to use the plant extract outside the eye.

Simply apply the gel around the eye, on your eyelids, while taking the necessary precautions to ensure that the gel does not get inside the eye.

3. When to Use Aloe Vera Eye Patch?

If you have never used Aloe Vera on your skin before, you should test the patch before applying it to your face.

This is usually important if you are allergic to for example onions or garlic.

4. Can We Use Aloe Vera Gel Under Eyes Overnight?

The use of aloe vera gel under the eyes is not recommended at night because it can be really harmful to your eyes.

To avoid negative effects when using Aloe Vera for the eyes, take the necessary precautions to prevent the gel from getting into your eyes.

5. How to Use Aloe Vera Gel on Eyelids?

Gently wash your face with water and a mild cleanser. Pat your skin dry, then apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to the affected skin in a thin layer.

Avoid rubbing the aloe vera onto your skin (like a lotion) and avoid putting the gel too close to your eyes. Wash the gel off after 10 to 15 minutes.

6. Can We Use Aloe Vera for Itchy Eyes

If you have itchy eyes, we recommend that you seek medical attention. Applying aloe vera to your eyes can be really harmful and increase your pain.

7. Can We Use Aloe Vera for Red Eyes?

If you have red eyes you can safely apply aloe vera gel to the outside of your eyelids to relieve redness or swelling.

Just be careful not to get the gel in your eyes and don’t apply it too close to the edge of your eyelid.

Useful Links:

Aloe is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates

Evaluation of biological properties and clinical effectiveness of Aloe vera: A systematic review

Aloe vera: a review of its clinical effectiveness