Sometimes we encounter problems related to intestinal and stomach disorders against which we cannot do much without resorting to chemical drugs.

Due to ignorance or forgetfulness, we ignore all these natural foods that are very effective, sometimes almost immediately, such as pumpkin, which is very good for good digestion and diarrhea in humans.

Here are the reasons that will convince you a little more to consume regularly this superb food, very rich in nutrients.

I- Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea follows several imbalances that can lead to dehydration.

The main symptom that confirms the occurrence of diarrhea is the change in the consistency of the stools which become soft or even liquid.

Diarrhea itself is a symptom and may be the result of an infection in the intestines.

Or it may be associated with a change in eating habits that may cause food intolerances.

Psychological factors are strongly incriminated in the occurrence of diarrhea, to which can be added certain undesirable effects linked to medication; for example, antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

II- Causes of poor digestion

Food has a direct influence on the quality of digestion, for example, an abuse of alcohol or very copious meals.

It is also important to know that the fact of ingesting food and chewing it quickly favors the ingestion of a very large volume of air, which is called aerophagia.

This aerophagia hinders digestion and gives way to various disorders.

On the other hand, severe episodes of stress, obesity, certain anti-acid-reflux or anti-inflammatory drugs can unbalance the digestive process.

The most serious causes are related to inflammatory diseases of the esophagus and stomach. Tumors in the stomach, intestine, liver, or bile ducts can also cause poor digestion.

III- Is pumpkin good for digestion and diarrhea in humans?

1. Is pumpkin good for digestion?

Pumpkin is beneficial for digestion because of its high fiber content. Although the first stage of digestion is maintained at the level of the mouth, the movement of the intestines allows for the efficient digestion of food.

Pumpkin intervenes at this level and ensures the maintenance of good peristalsis. Its fiber content prevents digestion problems that can cause pain, diarrhea, or constipation.

2. Is pumpkin good for diarrhea?

Cooked pumpkin is a laxative that rebalances the function of the intestines by slowing down the transit and allows to compensate for the hydration that can occur in case of diarrhea.

Its richness in minerals and nutritive elements reinforces all the functions of the body and brings a vitamin supplement.

These elements serve to prevent the deficiencies that can accompany chronic diarrhea.

Moreover, the balance it brings helps to treat diarrhea itself. Indeed, its action calms the pain while supporting intestinal repair and the resumption of normal function.

3. Is pumpkin good for constipation or diarrhea?

As you can see, pumpkin is both anti-diarrheal and anti-constipating. The content of mannitol, a carbohydrate with laxative properties, avoids the aggression of the intestines.

Potentiated by its richness in these famous fibers, pumpkin fights against intestinal laziness being the main cause of constipation.

In other words, a pumpkin is a kind of vegetable that balances the functioning of the digestive system.

4. Is pumpkin good for acid reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is when acid refluxes from the stomach into the esophagus or even the mouth.

This condition usually occurs after a rich meal, and can also be marked by pathological stomach pain in some people.

It is well known that eating pumpkins and squash does a lot of good for the digestive system, especially for digestion and repair of the inner walls.

But there is no scientific study that says that pumpkin can prevent acid reflux in an obvious way.

Even though it should be remembered that this fiber-rich vegetable is highly recommended by nutritionists for its soothing effects on the stomach and fragile intestines.

As for foods to avoid in case of acid reflux, here are some that should be avoided or at least limited:

  • Sugar (and sweet foods in general)
  • Refined or table salt
  • Red meat and deli meats
  • Refined flours (i.e., those without fiber)
  • Coffee, hot chocolate
  • Fried foods
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Carbonated or cola drinks
  • Alcoholic drinks

5. Can pumpkin cause diarrhea

The answer is obviously no if it is a fresh vegetable and ripe enough.

Sometimes pumpkin is also cooked with other foods, which can cause significant diarrhea despite its presence.

6. Pumpkin vitamins?

This vegetable is rich in water like all other vegetables of the cucurbit family, which contains provitamin A or beta-carotene in large quantities.

The pumpkin is also full of:

  • vitamin C
  • vitamin B 9
  • and manganese

It is also an excellent source of potassium (very recommended for the nervous system, muscle function, blood pressure)

They also contain a multitude of antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin).

7. Is pumpkin good for diarrhea in babies?

Babies, because of their new digestive system and their fragility, are much more likely to have diarrhea than healthy adults.

And as we know, from five months onwards, we can start giving babies pureed foods in addition to mother’s milk, which is no longer sufficient for their development despite its richness in all essential nutrients.

Pediatricians and nutritionists, therefore, recommend that babies be introduced to fresh and healthy pureed vegetables in small quantities.

And pumpkin is obviously on the list of vegetables and fruits recommended counteracting recurrent diarrhea in babies!

What can I mix with pumpkin for baby food?

Babies can start eating pumpkins from 4 to 6 months of age.

He can eat it in soups, combining it with other vegetables and herbs to differentiate the taste at each meal.

It can be mixed for example with potatoes, carrots, and even apples.

At what age can the baby eat pumpkin

Most say from the fourth month with small amounts and others say 6 or even 7 months.

However, it’s up to you to test and see how your baby reacts.

IV- Other foods against diarrhea

Diarrhea, for which good nutrition is commonly the main treatment, requires special attention to avoid any aggravation.

On the one hand, it is essential to ban leguminous plants, cabbage, and onion in this diarrheic episode, as well as garlic and leek.

On the other hand, it is advisable to consume cooked vegetables for a better intake of soft fiber.

Rice is also an excellent anti-diarrheal remedy, to which should be added avocado, coffee, sweet potato, figs, apricots, and oranges.

To provide a support effect to the body to avoid weakness and exhaustion, it is possible to consume yogurt with Bifidus, omega-3, and steamed dishes.

It should be remembered that in case of diarrhea, it is necessary to drink more water than usual to fight against dehydration of the digestive system and thus compensate for the great loss of water that follows any diarrhea.

V- Other foods for a good digestion

Fresh fruits are often the favorites for digestion. Their richness in fiber preserves and improves the quality of the process related to all stages of digestion.

Their richness in vitamins and minerals maintains the good health of all the organs. And when everything works perfectly, digestion is just as good.

We can opt for natural fruit juices, preferably homemade to guarantee vitamin quality.

Green vegetables are no less rich in fiber than fresh fruit. In addition, they protect the digestive system and the intestines from possible infections, which are responsible for some severe diarrhea.

Whole grains are also full of fiber. So don’t be afraid to eat whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, or whole grain rice.

Moreover, water is a must for digestion. You can consume all the fiber on the planet, but without optimal water consumption, the quality of digestion will remain poor.

However, to benefit from the advantages of these foods, it is necessary to split your meals and not eat a large quantity of food that will only strain the digestive system beyond its capacity.

VI- Other benefits of pumpkin

The pumpkin is a preventive element of cancer. Studies continue to show that pumpkin could be a food that prevents the occurrence of the lung, intestinal or esophageal cancer.

The skin regains its radiance due to the qualitative nutritive contributions of the pumpkin, which also makes it a natural anti-aging.

It is excellent for maintaining eye health because of its richness in antioxidants and vitamins. Its protein content strengthens muscle structures and promotes vital exchanges. It also prevents the occurrence of anemia.

Its low-calorie properties make it a better choice to integrate into your diet. In parallel with its high protein and vitamin content, you will avoid the risk of malnutrition that can result from certain strict slimming diets.

It is ideal for small children since it promotes bone growth and preserves the health of teeth due to its content of provitamins A.

It is also ideal for people who work out or who are in intense physical activity.

Useful Links:

9 Impressive Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

What are the health benefits of pumpkins?