How to use apple cider vinegar for seborrheic dermatitis? How does it work? Which methods? And finally, what are the other grandmother’s remedies to treat seborrheic dermatitis?

I. What is Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition. It is a chronic inflammation of the epidermis, which manifests itself by patches and a kind of dead dandruff.

It develops particularly on the scalp, but seborrheic dermatitis can also appear on the face or the chest.

In addition to the flakes that appear on the scalp, this inflammation also causes severe itching.

Although not very well known, the origin of seborrheic dermatitis is attributed to different elements.

Hormones are capable of causing seborrheic dermatitis. An abrupt change in hormones can indeed upset the chemistry of the scalp.

Sebum is also capable of causing seborrheic dermatitis. While sebum is natural and normal, excessive sebum production suffocates the scalp.

Diet and the environment, in general, can also cause this type of inflammation. Prolonged exposure to heat, for example, or fungus and infections are likely causes of seborrheic dermatitis.

Stress is considered to be one of the most important causes of this condition.

# What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Seborrheic Dermatitis?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disease. This pathology may be due to a vitamin B deficiency and to a disruption of certain functions, particularly the hepato-biliary functions.

There is also reactivation of this pathology during the winter, because of the weakness of the sun. Vitamin D deficiency can therefore also cause this disease.

# Is Seborrheic Dermatitis a Fungus?

Seborrheic dermatitis is due to the uncontrolled development of a fungus. It is a Malassezia-type yeast that is naturally present in the body.

Oily and sebum-rich areas are the best places for this fungus to grow, which causes seborrheic dermatitis.

II. Apple Apple cider Vinegar for Seborrheic Dermatitis

1. How Apple Cider Vinegar Acts on Scalp

Apple cider vinegar is obtained by fermentation of apple juice. Although apple cider vinegar is mainly used in cooking, it has many other benefits.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disorder of the acidity of the scalp. The pH of apple cider vinegar allows it to act on the scalp to restore its natural acidity level.

This also explains its action on oily hair. These are saturated with sebum, which prevents the scalp from breathing. Excessive sebum production is also one of the causes of seborrheic dermatitis.

Thus, by regulating the production of sebum, apple cider vinegar can help you get rid of your seborrheic dermatitis.

This product is also a natural antifungal and antibacterial agent. Since one of the causes of seborrheic dermatitis can be infectious, apple cider vinegar can be very helpful in getting rid of it.

The application of apple cider vinegar can therefore be relevant to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis.

2. How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Seborrheic Dermatitis

To use apple cider vinegar on your hair and treat your seborrheic dermatitis, the method is simple.

Take two empty containers, each of about 50 cl capacity.

In the first container, which can be a plastic or glass bottle, put two tablespoons of baking soda.

In the second container, put two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Add water to each of the bottles until they are full.

On your wet hair, pour the contents of the first bottle, the one containing bicarbonate. Massage for a long time and let it sit. Be sure to shake the bottle beforehand to mix the two products.

You should feel a slight burning sensation, similar to a sunburn.

The patches will then start to leave your scalp.

The application time can be between 10 and 20 minutes, the time of your shower for example. Once this time has elapsed, rub in again, shampoo, and rinse with clean water.

Complete by pouring the contents of the second bottle, the one containing apple cider vinegar and water.

Use this lotion as a detangler, and leave it on. Although the smell of apple cider vinegar is strong, it is also temporary.

Normally, two or three such shampoos should be enough for seborrheic dermatitis to really start to disappear.

After that, you can alternate between a normal shampoo and a shampoo combining bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar.

You can also, more simply, dilute apple cider vinegar with water and pour the solution on your clean hair.

Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing your head with clear water, whether it is warm or cold.

3. Seborrheic Dermatitis Face Treatment

For any treatment of dermatitis in the face, it must first be cleansed and dry before application.

Apple cider vinegar is particularly used in the form of a lotion.

We put two to three tablespoons of cider vinegar in a large glass of warm water. We stir it well then!

And using clean cotton soaked in this solution, clean all parts of the face, taking care to soak the skin well!

We then leave two or three-quarters of an hour before cleaning with lukewarm water.

4. Oil to Avoid with Seborrheic Dermatitis

To treat your seborrheic dermatitis with oils, it is important to choose them well.

It is possible that the greasiest vegetable oils, such as avocado oil, will make your problem worse.

In addition, treating seborrheic dermatitis with oils involves blending vegetable and essential oils. This mixture proves to be more effective

5. Will Apple Cider Vinegar Stop Itching

Cider vinegar is obtained from apple fermentation. It is very effective for many skin problems, including dermatitis.

Itching is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis.

By dabbing the affected area with a piece of cotton soaked in cider vinegar, you will reduce your irritation.

III. Natural Treatment and Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis

1. Olive Oil to Get Rid of Seborrheic Dermatitis

Olive oil is applied to the scalp with clean fingertips and then left on for one hour.

After this time, brush your hair to remove the patches from your scalp. Then make your shampoo to wash your hair, preferring a natural shampoo.

Olive oil can soothe the affected scalp, and act on the itching.

2. Seborrheic Dermatitis Diet

A diet that favors antioxidant fruits like strawberries is likely to help you fight seborrheic dermatitis.

Green or leafy vegetables, as well as tomatoes, foods high in vitamin E, are also able to help you against seborrheic dermatitis.

Eat avocados, peppers, citrus fruits, and wheat germ products whenever possible.

This diet is capable of strengthening your immune system. Although seborrheic dermatitis is not directly associated with diet, it is possible that certain foods influence the development of this condition in some way.

3. Aloe vera for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Aloe vera gel is part of the aloe vera plant that can be used to fight seborrheic dermatitis.

To do this, extract the gel from the plant and blend it to make it easier to use. Massage your scalp or skin marked by dermatitis with the gel and for about twenty minutes, let your head (or skin) rest.

You can then rinse your hair with warm water.

4. Honey for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Boil 250 ml of water and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Once the two products are well mixed, apply to the affected areas with light massages.

Leave on for about 2 hours before rinsing your head with warm water.

If possible, do this once every two days.

You also have the option of mixing honey with egg whites. Against itching and irritation, honey shows excellent results.

5. Coconut Oil to Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis

The use of coconut oil is quite simple. Put some on your scalp and massage it gently, for a whole hour if possible.

Then brush your hair, before washing it with warm water and shampoo. Use a suitable product, a mild shampoo, and as natural as possible.

6. Fish Oil

Fish oil has a beneficial effect on the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis. You can take it as a dietary supplement, in tablets or capsules.

Just like you can ingest a tablespoon every morning to enjoy its benefits.

7. Probiotics

Probiotics, or “good bacteria”, can help with seborrheic dermatitis.

These foods can prevent the multiplication of plaques, which are among the most prominent symptoms of dermatitis.

They are easily found in the form of food supplements.

8. Tea Tree Oil

You can add one to two drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo to fight your seborrheic dermatitis.

You can also mix one to two drops of tea tree EO with a vegetable oil like jojoba oil.

Then, apply this mixture to the area to be treated. Do this twice a day.

IV- Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help with Dandruff?

1. Seborrheic Dermatitis Vs Dandruff

Seborrheic dermatitis often has the symptom of dandruff on the scalp.

Dandruff is dead skin cells that can be either whitish or grayish and cause severe itching.

Seborrheic dermatitis can spread in inflamed patches to the face.

2. How to Apply Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Dandruff

If you want to use apple cider vinegar to treat your dandruff, you can start by mixing one glass of apple cider vinegar and one glass of water.

Pour the mixture onto your scalp and rub it in. Leave your hair soaked in this mixture for at least 15 minutes, then shampoo your hair.

The smell of cider vinegar will go away by itself after a few hours.

If your scalp is not too irritated, you can use this method with pure cider vinegar. Always make sure to massage your scalp.

Apple cider vinegar soaks [0.5%] as a treatment for atopic dermatitis do not improve skin barrier integrity

Seborrheic Dermatitis and Dandruff: A Comprehensive Review

Neurobiology of the Scalp in Seborrheic Dermatitis

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