Can baking soda heal gums?  How to treat gums with baking soda? How do combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for different gum problems? Inflamed gums? Mouth ulcers? Bleeding gums? White gums? And finally what are the other uses of bicarbonate for the mouth?

I. Different Gum Problems

1. Bleeding Gums

Among the various oral ailments, bleeding gums is one of the most common.

Bleeding gums are not automatically a sign of pathology. However, if the bleeding is abundant or becomes recurrent, it is important to be concerned.

There are many causes of bleeding gums. The use of a toothbrush that is too hard, for example. But it can also be caused by pathologies, such as gingivitis, itself caused by dental plaque.

2. White Gums

White gums are a reason to call dental hygiene professionals.

And white teeth can take many forms. We can mention a paleness of the gums, white spots on the gums, or a white ball.

Candidiasis, anemia, dental abscesses, and gingivostomatitis-herpeticitis are all conditions that can cause this symptom.

3. Inflamed Gums and Canker Sores

A canker sore is a tiny wound that can develop anywhere in the oral mucosa. This small and extremely painful lesion can cause inflammation of the gums.

Through the ulceration that is the canker sore, it can indeed happen that bacteria develop. The infection is then closed.

4. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a fairly common disease characterized by inflammation of the gums.

In most cases, it is caused by poor oral hygiene. Indeed, the bacteria which accumulate on the badly cleaned teeth and especially on the gum lines will cause inflammation of this one.

The main symptoms of gingivitis are bleeding during tooth brushing and small swellings of the gums.

It should be noted that gingivitis, if not treated in time, can become periodontitis, a much more serious disease.

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5. Swollen Gums

The most common cause of gum swelling is gingivitis as we have just seen it is due to bacteria that accumulate on and between the teeth.

These bacteria develop when foods containing carbohydrates (sugar and starch) are left in the mouth for a long time.

II. How Do You Use Baking Soda to Heal Gums?

One of the natural solutions to treat inflamed gums is baking soda.

1. How to Make Baking Soda Mouthwash

Regular mouthwash is essential for good dental health. It is possible to prepare a homemade baking soda mouthwash for effective and economical results.

To prepare this mouthwash, simply mix a teaspoon of dietary baking soda in a glass of water.

You can then use this preparation as a regular mouthwash and rinse your mouth with cold water to finish. Your mouth will be fresh and healthy.

It is recommended to use this mouthwash in the evening, at bedtime.

2. Salt and Baking Soda for Gums

A baking soda mouthwash can be made by diluting a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of warm water. You can then add a pinch of salt.

Use your mixture to rinse your mouth and gargle for about ten seconds.

In addition to killing bacteria, baking soda neutralizes the acids that allow plaque to develop.

Salt is not as strong a bacterial agent as baking soda and requires a high concentration. But salt does reduce inflammation and stimulate the gums.

3. Baking Soda Cleanses Inflamed Gums

For natural treatment of inflamed gums, baking soda is an option.

The disinfecting properties of baking soda make it an effective ally for oral health.

Gingivitis almost automatically causes gum inflammation. This disease is most often caused by tartar. Adding baking soda to your dental care routine will allow you to remedy it easily.

For this, nothing could be simpler. Simply brush with a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Make a paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and two drops of hydrogen peroxide. Once the paste is on your toothbrush, use it to gently massage the gums.

Avoid applying too much pressure, and massage with a movement from the gum to the tooth.

In severe cases of gingivitis, it will be necessary to follow a drug treatment. Nevertheless, the use of bicarbonate can prevent the progression of your pathology.

4. Baking Soda for Bleeding Gums

Gingivitis often progresses to bleeding gums. As previously mentioned, occasional bleeding is not necessarily a cause for concern.

But when gum bleeding becomes regular, it is advisable to consult.

Inflammation of the gums or periodontitis is then to fear.

If baking soda is a product so often used in daily life, it is because it is an antibacterial.

The chemical formula of baking soda allows it to have a beneficial action in cases of gum bleeding.

You can use it as a mouthwash, to allow it to clean your oral cavity.

Mix a tablespoon of bicarbonate with a glass of water until the bicarbonate is completely dissolved. You can then let the mixture rest for about fifteen minutes in a cool place.

At the end of each meal, use this saline solution to make a mouthwash. Spread the liquid all over your oral cavity, insisting on the bleeding area.

5. Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide for Loose Teeth

Loose teeth are a more advanced symptom of gingivitis. It is a sign that the infection has spread to the point of attacking the gum roots. Sagging gums are usually a sign of periodontitis.

Poor oral hygiene, which would have allowed bacteria to grow, can lead to tooth loosening. But there are other causes, such as immune weakness or corticosteroid use.

Because it is a recognized antibacterial, bicarbonate can help fight infection.

Combined with hydrogen peroxide, bicarbonate can slow down the progression of bacteria responsible for tooth decay.

Moreover, this mixture has been (and still is for some) recommended by many dentists.

One teaspoon of bicarbonate and two drops of hydrogen peroxide are enough for this recipe. Brush your teeth with this mixture, insisting on the spaces between the teeth.

It is important to respect the dosage of hydrogen peroxide and even to ask your dentist for advice beforehand.

At a high dose, hydrogen peroxide can be dangerous for the gums.

6. Benefits of Mouthwash of Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Baking soda mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide solution is often used for different dental problems.

It can be very useful in cases of dental sensitivities.

The mouthwash is already a mouth cleaner. Its frequent use, especially in cases of gingivitis, promotes recovery.

Hydrogen peroxide acts on the bacteria that develop in poor or oxygen-free environments.

Confronted with this oxygen-rich product, they will eventually die.

The association of mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide is thus an effective way to maintain dental health. As well as a method to fight against an already present infection.

7. Turmeric and Baking Soda for Gums

Turmeric has been proven to be an effective remedy for gingivitis. Due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, it is very effective and has no side effects.

It can be used in combination with baking soda for oral treatment in the form of mouthwash.

III. Can Baking Soda Heal Gums

1. Is Baking Soda Good for Swollen Gum?

As an antiseptic and antibacterial, baking soda treats the infection that causes the swelling. It also reduces inflammation of your gums and soothes sensitive skin. 

To fight gum disease, put a small amount of baking soda in a glass. Wet your toothbrush and dip it in the powder.

2. Does Baking Soda Help Receding Gums

Baking soda is a great way to stimulate gum growth and regrow your gum line.

Many people wonder how to reverse receding gums. Research has shown that baking soda is a powerful gum stimulant.

It can be used as a paste, mixed with 3% hydrogen peroxide, or in a 50:50 solution with sea salt.

3. Baking Soda for Gum Pain

If your gums are bleeding or sore, use baking soda as a mouthwash. Baking soda has cleansing and purifying properties.

Dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, and you can add salt for a better effect.

Gargle with the water in your mouth for a few minutes. A natural remedy to perform once a week.

4. Baking Soda for Gum Abscess

Baking soda neutralizes acids in the mouth, which reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease including gum abscesses.

It is, therefore, more of a preventive measure than a treatment. Add a small amount of baking soda to warm water and mix to form a paste.

Use this paste to brush your teeth.

5. Baking Soda and Gum Infection

A thick paste of baking soda mixed with warm water, applied to the infected gums, is known to reduce the symptoms of gingivitis and heal completely.

You can follow this method until the infection disappears.

6. Is Baking Soda Good for Your Teeth?

Baking soda polishes enamel and makes teeth white by removing stains. Baking soda is also a component of many kinds of toothpaste, which are slightly lumpy and have the same abrasive quality due to the presence of sodium bicarbonate.

They have anti-stain properties and remove nicotine, tea, coffee, and other yellowish stains, but they never lighten the enamel, which has a natural color unique to each individual.

IV.  Other Uses of Baking Soda for the mouth

1. Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath is not always harmless. It can not only be a symptom of oral disease, but also of a digestive problem.

Whether it is a question of stomach acid or a dental infection, a bicarbonate gargle can remedy the problem.

With this simple method, bad breath will be a thing of the past.

2.  Tooth Whitening

The chemical formula of bicarbonate makes it similar to salt. It is therefore often used to whiten teeth.

Just sprinkle a little bicarbonate on your moistened brush. Then, brush with it from top to bottom, slowly.

Remember not to repeat this operation often (once a week is enough). Baking soda could destroy your enamel over time. It is an abrasive compound.

3. Eliminates Cavities 

Baking soda acts as a preventive as well as a curative for tooth decay.

Because it is antibacterial and antiseptic, it attacks the germs that can cause cavities.

It can therefore be used as a mouthwash. A tablespoon of bicarbonate in a glass of cold water is enough.

For more effectiveness, do not hesitate to use it at the end of each meal. 

4. Fights Bacteria

Bicarbonate limits bacterial proliferation by improving oral hygiene and promoting healing.

Directions for use: rinse the entire oral cavity with baking soda water (1 teaspoon, i.e. 5 g) for several minutes, spit out and repeat. If necessary, complete with a gargle.

5. Soothes Mouth Sores

Baking soda is a natural product that has many benefits for maintaining the health of teeth and mouth.

In particular, it helps relieve canker sores by removing the acidity in the mouth that causes inflammation.

Baking soda, therefore, has the power to not only soothe canker sores but also promote their healing process.

6. Relieves the Discomfort of Mouth Ulcers

A canker sore disappears spontaneously in a few days, but the pain it causes makes you want to treat it more quickly.

Bicarbonate is the best known natural remedy for treating canker sores because of its alkalizing properties.

Indeed, canker sores occur in a mouth whose pH is too acid. Bicarbonate neutralizes this acidity, which promotes faster healing and pain relief.

To use it, nothing could be simpler: mix the sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water and use the mixture as a mouthwash three times a day.

V. Other Home Remedies to Heal Gums

1. Salt Water

Saltwater is a natural disinfectant and thus helps flush out microbes that may be causing gum inflammation.

Mix ½ to 1 teaspoon of salt in ½ glass of warm water Rinse your mouth with this mixture 2 to 3 times a day.

2. Aloe Vera Gel

This plant is known for its many virtues, and it is also effective against inflammation and bleeding.

Several studies have proven that aloe vera gel is effective in treating minor wounds, sores, and inflammation because it has emollient properties that relax the tissues and calm inflammation.

Take some aloe vera gel and apply it to the infected area of the gum, and repeat until the pain subsides.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has very effective anti-inflammatory properties to treat gum infections.

It is also rich in vitamin C, which will help the gums fight infections.

Mix a little lemon juice with salt, apply it to your teeth and gums and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing.

4. Essential Oils

Oils have antibacterial, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and plaque-reducing effects.

Apply essential oils to prevent or treat gum disease. Also, choose a toothpaste that contains essential oil to eliminate bacteria.

5. Clove Oil

Cloves are known to relieve toothache. It is also a powerful antiseptic. Clove oil is antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, and analgesic.

It is therefore very effective against gingivitis and bleeding gums. It is advisable to apply this oil to treat this type of infection.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

The natural acids in apple vinegar balance the pH of the mouth and thus change the environment necessary for bacteria to cause infections.

Its use as a mouthwash helps control inflamed gums and also bad breath.

7. Castor Oil

Castor oil has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, as well as anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities.

All these properties make castor oil one of the best remedies for swollen gums. It also strengthens the lymphatic system.

Useful Links:

Gingivitis Symptoms & causes Diagnosis & treatment

The efficacy of baking soda dentifrice in controlling plaque and gingivitis: A systematic review

Efficacy of baking soda-containing chewing gum in removing natural tooth stain

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