Is baking soda good for calluses? How to use baking soda for calluses? Is it effective? How does it work on them? And finally, what are the other natural remedies to get rid of calluses?

I. What Is Calluses

A callus is a hardening of part of the epidermis of the sole of the foot. It is a skin condition, which appears due to constant pressure on particular areas of the arch of the foot.

And it forms a callus on the skin, hard and rough, with a yellowish color.

It is common to develop calluses because of uncomfortable shoes, long walks, or dry skin.

The risk of developing calluses is also greater in skinny people. In these people, the scarcity of fat makes the friction on the skin area stronger.

Although calluses are not usually painful, they are an annoying condition to live with daily.

II. Is Baking Soda Good for Calluses?

Baking soda is a natural exfoliant, which makes it a very good remedy for calluses. This is because baking soda crystals help exfoliate hardened skin.

1. Does Baking Soda Get Rid of Hard Skin on Feet

Baking soda is a natural product that is antiseptic and antibacterial.

It is an ingredient used in beauty care for exfoliation because it softens the epidermis. Also, in the case of calluses, baking soda softens them, which are then easier to remove.

As an analgesic, baking soda is useful in cases of painful calluses. Its anti-pain action will bring real relief.

2. Baking Soda Soak for Calluses

There are several methods to use baking soda against calluses.

Method 1:


  • A glass of baking soda
  • One liter of warm water
  • A foot file or a pumice stone
  • A container or a basin


  • In a basin, put hot water and add baking soda. Mix well.
  • Soak your feet in this bath, and leave them in it for 15 minutes.
  • With your foot file or pumice stone, rub your calluses.
  • You can repeat this treatment every two weeks.

Method 2:

  • With a teaspoon of baking soda, the juice of 1/4 lemon, and a little water, make a paste.
  • When you have mixed it enough and it is creamy, apply it to your callus.
  • Use a bandage to hold it on and leave it on for several hours.
  • After that, remove the bandage and rinse. Dry well, and if possible apply a moisturizer afterward.
  • Do this for 5 days.

3. How Long Should I Soak my Feet in Baking Soda?

To soak, mix three tablespoons of baking soda in a foot bath filled with warm water.

You should soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes, then wash and scrub them with a pumice stone once the soak is complete.

Take your feet out of the water and dry them with a towel.

4. How to Make Baking Soda Paste for Calluses

What you need:

  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • 1 bowl
  • 1 spoon

How to make:

  • Put three tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl.
  • Add one tablespoon of water.
  • Mix well with the spoon.

Result: You now know how to make a baking soda paste.

This is the perfect formula to get an effective paste every time. It has a perfect consistency. It’s not too diluted or too thick.

If you need more, the proportions are: 3 parts baking soda to 1-part water. Or 3 glasses of powder and 1 glass of water. By respecting these proportions, you will be able to make a powerful and degreasing paste.

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5. Baking Soda & Milk Foot Bath

Here’s a simple way to take care of your feet with just two ingredients. An effective and pleasant moment of pampering.

How do you do it? First of all, you need:

  • About 1 liter of milk
  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda
  • A basin

Here’s how to do it:

  • Heat the milk and pour it into the basin with 3 tablespoons of baking soda. It should not be boiling, so test the temperature first.
  • Put your feet in the milk and wait 10 minutes. A great way to relax!
  • Then rinse your feet with warm water and dry them thoroughly. We recommend repeating the treatment several times a week: your feet will be soft, clean, and healthy!

6. Baking Soda and Vinegar for Calluses

The next treatment in this list of home remedies for calluses is the use of vinegar. Vinegar is a very good antimicrobial agent.

In addition, it is also used to remove dead skin cells, which helps to soften the skin naturally.

Therefore, you can use vinegar in combination with baking soda to treat calluses on the feet daily.

To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:

Mix the vinegar and baking soda bath.

Then take the cotton ball soaked in the solution and apply it to the calluses.

Leave this solution on your skin overnight

The next morning, use the pumice stone to remove the calluses.

III.  Other Natural Remedies for Calluses

1. Apple Cider Vinegar for Calluses

To use cider vinegar on your calluses, simply put a small amount on a cotton ball.

Then, place the soaked cotton ball on the callus and hold it in place with tape. Leave the device on overnight for best results.

You can remove your callus with a pumice stone or a rasp the next day.

Your soaked cotton ball should be placed on the callus, and not touch the surrounding healthy skin.

The apple cider vinegar will soften the area to be treated, and soften the skin of the callus. 

2. Apple Cider Vinegar and Slice of Bread

The mixture of bread and distilled vinegar may make you think for a second, but it is a great home remedy for callus removal to keep in mind.

The paste made from the combination, of the two, helps soften calluses and get rid of them more easily.

What to do:

  • Soak ½ slice of bread in ¼ cup of white vinegar.
  • After exfoliating, place the soaked bread on the affected area and secure it in place.
  • Leave it on overnight and remove it in the morning.
  • Repeat every night for about a week.

3. Essential Oils for Calluses

You can also use essential oils to remove your calluses.

– Lavender aspic essential oil:

In 9 drops of vegetable oil of calophylla inophylla, put 1 drop of essential oil of Lavender Aspic. Apply on the affected parts while massaging. Do this morning and evening.

The essential oil of Lavender Aspic has exfoliating properties, or keratolytic. It is also anti-inflammatory and healing.

– The essential oil of Gaultheria lying:

The oil of Gaultheria couchée is applied to the skin without cracks, otherwise, it could cause tingling.

Simply apply 2 drops of this essential oil to the calluses, morning and evening.

Avoid absolutely that the essential oil of Gaultheria couchée touches the healthy skin. For this, you can put a layer of varnish on healthy skin.

The essential oil of Wintergreen is rich in salicylic acid, which allows it to remove excess keratin. It is also an analgesic, ideal for cases of painful calluses.

With essential oils, it is essential to do a test beforehand, to make sure there are no skin reactions. Carry out this test on your hand for example, and wait a few hours to check the effect on your skin.

These oils are not used on children under 12 years and pregnant women.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree essential oil is a natural antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic. Place a few drops of tea tree oil in a basin filled with warm water, and soak your calluses until you feel the skin start to soften and lift.

Do not soak your feet in this remedy for more than 15 minutes, as tea tree oil is powerful and can damage your skin layer if exposed for too long.

5. Clay to Get Rid of Calluses

Clay in poultice is very effective against calluses.


In a container, put a tablespoon of green clay surfine. Make a hollow in the center and pour in water with little mineralization.

Mix until you have a thick and heavy paste. Leave your preparation to rest for 4 hours.


  • With the help of a spatula, spread the paste on the callus. Make sure the layer is thick, between 1 and 3 cm.
  • Use gauze or cling film to hold it in place. Leave it on overnight.
  • With a damp cotton ball, remove the hardened green clay. Run under a stream of water to remove the remaining dried clay.
  • Do this often, until the callus is completely gone.

6. Lemon for Calluses

Lemon can be used as a poultice to remove calluses.

Before doing so, soak your feet in a warm water bath with 2 spoonfuls of bicarbonate and 2 more apple cider vinegar for about 20 minutes. This will help soften the calluses and make the poultice more effective.

Next, place a slice of lemon on the area to be treated. With a bandage, hold it in place for 20 minutes.

After this time, rub your feet with a pumice stone. This will get rid of the now softened skin.

7. Lemon Juice, Chamomile, and Garlic Paste

When it comes to removing calluses, lemons are at the top of the list of all home remedies.

Whether you use lemon juice or lemon peel, the acidic nature not only helps soften them but also relieves any associated discomfort.

What to do:

  • Peel a lemon and place a small piece of the peel on the affected area.
  • Put a bandage on the peel and leave it on overnight.
  • Another solution is to soak a cotton ball or piece of gauze with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Put a bandage on the cotton ball or gauze and leave it on overnight.
  • Repeat either of these remedies daily for several days.

More than just a way to relax and sleep better, chamomile is another popular home remedy for those who want to get rid of calluses.

Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation around the affected area and promote the growth of new skin tissue.


  • Brew 2 cups of chamomile tea.
  • Fill a small bathtub with tea and warm water.
  • Soak the affected area in the tub for about 10 minutes (this can be done before scrubbing).
  • Apply a moisturizer after patting dry.
  • Repeat this, every day before going to bed.

When it comes to home remedies for calluses, garlic is not only easy to find but also effective. It is widely used for a variety of conditions, including calluses.

What to do:

  • Cut 2-3 cloves of garlic into small pieces.
  • Then add a pinch of salt.
  • Mix them well to make a good paste.
  • Rub the paste on the affected area, then cover it with an adhesive bandage.
  • Wait 48 hours to remove the bandage
  • Clean your feet and repeat this routine.

8.  Olive Oil and Calluses

Olive oil can be used as a massage on calluses to soften them. Do this for 2 or 3 minutes.

You can also use a macerate of olive oil and crushed garlic.

Use the maceration on the affected area, keeping it on with the help of a bandage.

The joint action of olive oil and garlic shows very good results on calluses.

Garlic is an antiseptic, and olive oil helps to soften and smooth the skin.

9.  Willow Leaf as an Effective Remedy for Calluses

In a liter of boiled water, add 25 g of willow leaves. Boil for another 5 minutes, and leave to infuse for 10 minutes.

Once the liquid has cooled, soak a compress in it. Apply it to the area affected by the calluses, avoiding touching the healthy areas.

Do this morning and night on clean feet.

Willow contains salicylin, and is known as the “pain tree”. Willow leaves can be used as a sedative, to fight pain. They help to soften the skin and thus make calluses disappear.

Important reminder: All these natural remedies must be renewed until the calluses disappear completely.

10. Epsom Salt

Many of the home remedies on our list require you to soak your feet in warm water before performing the other part of the remedy.

Soaking in an Epsom salt bath can give an extra boost to your callus removal.

Epsom salt not only helps soften the area but also contains magnesium that promotes new skin growth and reduces swelling around the affected area.

How to use it?

  • Put warm water in a small tub and dissolve a handful of Epsom salt in it.
  • Soak your feet in the solution before using a pumice stone to remove dead skin cells.
  • Repeat this remedy every day until you get the results you want.

11. Castor Oil

When it comes to moisturizing and softening calluses, few oils work better than castor oil.

Applying castor oil as a home remedy gets rid of thick, rough skin and encourages the growth of new skin tissue in its place.


  • Fill a small tub with warm water and soak the affected areas in it for about 10 minutes.
  • Scrub with a pumice stone or scrub, rinse and pat dry.
  • Apply castor oil to the affected area on a piece of gauze and keep it on overnight.
  • Repeat this solution every night as well.

12. Pumice Stone

A pumice stone can be especially helpful when you have calluses on the soles of your feet or on your elbows, where it’s hard to see.

After soaking your callus, apply the pressure of the pumice stone to your callus and rub it in a circular motion.

Do not try to remove the entire callus at once. The idea is to rub the skin in several applications of this remedy.

13. Aspirine and Lemon Juice Paste

Aspirin can help soften the hardened skin around a callus and relieve the discomfort caused by it.

  • Grind five or six aspirin tablets into a powder.
  • Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a quarter teaspoon of water to the powder and mix well.
  • Apply this paste to the affected area and cover it with a plastic bag.
  • Wrap it with a warm towel for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the cloth and wash the area with warm water.
  • Scrape away dead skin cells with a pumice stone.
  • Repeat once a day for a few days.

IV. How to Prevent Calluses on Feet

Calluses result from excessive pressure or friction on the skin. Taking steps to treat the underlying cause can help reduce the chances of calluses recurring.

Ways to prevent calluses include:

  • Washing your feet with soap and water every day, then dry them thoroughly and apply a moisturizer
  • Wear well-fitting shoes, as shoes that are too tight or have very high heels can increase friction
  • Use gel or foam pads in shoes to avoid excessive pressure on the skin
  • Wear protective gloves during activities that can cause calluses, such as gardening, using tools, lifting heavy objects, or riding a bicycle.
  • Avoid shoes that have a narrow toe box or that rub on the feet uncomfortably.

Useful Links:

The evaluation of three treatments for plantar callus: a three-armed randomized, comparative trial using biophysical outcome measures

Callus Causes

Why you should embrace your foot calluses

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