Can lack of magnesium cause brain fog? How does magnesium help brain clarity? How to use magnesium against brain fog? Can we test magnesium deficiency at home? How long does it take to correct a magnesium deficiency? And finally what are the good sources of magnesium?

I- What is magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body, half of which is found in the bones.

Useful to adults and children alike, it is mainly recognized for its role in the nervous system and its action on muscle contraction.

Moreover, magnesium contributes to reducing fatigue. It also helps the normal functioning of the nervous system and participates in normal psychological functions such as concentration, reasoning, or memory.

In our body, we find up to 24 g of magnesium, of which approximately 65% is stored in the bones and represents a reservoir that can be mobilized in part when needed.

Magnesium is also found in the muscles and certain organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys.

II- Can Lack of Magnesium Cause Brain Fog

Magnesium deficiency is the cause of several mental disorders. It is manifested by concentration problems, fatigue, and a decrease in mental capacity: it is simply brained fog.

Since magnesium is essential for all body functions and metabolic processes, it is important to prevent a deficiency in time.

To avoid brain fog, opt for a diet rich in magnesium, accompanied by the intake of magnesium-rich food supplements.

# What is Brain Fog?

As the name suggests, brain fog causes a feeling of cloudiness in the brain.

Brain fog is a kind of veil that prevents us from seeing clearly, accurately, thinking quickly, and concentrating effectively.

Brain fog is a person’s subjective perception of not being able to think as clearly as usual.

Usually accompanied by headaches, difficulty concentrating and fatigue, it can quickly become disabling.

# Does Low Magnesium Affect the Brain?

A magnesium deficiency can have enormous negative consequences on our nervous system.

This proves that magnesium is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of the brain.

# How Magnesium Helps Brain Clarity?

A sufficient amount of magnesium effectively participates in the proper functioning of the brain.

Indeed, this mineral contributes to the reduction of the production of cortisol, responsible for our lack of concentration. This mineral contributes to psychological well-being.

Due to the action of magnesium on hormones, the clarity of the brain can be improved.

In addition, this mineral acts as a blood-brain barrier.

# How to Use Magnesium for Brain Fog?

If you suffer from brain fog, it is important to increase your magnesium intake.

When magnesium levels are increased, the brain becomes faster at performing certain tasks. Magnesium is one of the most complete minerals.

It is preferable to take it with a meal: either in two doses at noon and in the evening, or a single dose in the evening.

Don’t forget to take it in the evening: magnesium acts by calming nervous tension.

# Which Magnesium is Good for Brain Fog?

There are different forms of magnesium, but it is important to note that there is one form that is particularly good for brain fog.

A new form of magnesium that reaches the brain has been developed by a research team at MIT: magnesium-L-threonate or mmfs-01.

# What Blocks Magnesium Absorption?

The absorption of magnesium is sometimes blocked by certain factors. These include alcohol, steroids, calcium, and saturated fats.

III- How to Test for Magnesium Deficiency at Home

For the past few weeks, you find yourself:

  • Nervous
  • Anxious
  • Tired
  • A little depressed

And you have:

Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep)

  • Cramps
  • Cravings
  • Tinnitus
  • Memory loss

If you checked at least one of these three boxes, talk to your doctor about a possible magnesium deficiency.

All these signals are often linked to a magnesium deficiency.

They can also hide a pathology: this is why it is important to consult a doctor.

IV- Can Low Magnesium Cause Dizziness

The dizziness typical of malaise can be caused by a lack of magnesium, which promotes electrolyte balance.

In case of deficiency, the brain may have difficulty interpreting signals in the inner ear.

Consuming enough magnesium will prevent this problem.

V- How Long to Correct Magnesium Deficiency

Eating magnesium-rich foods every day helps to correct magnesium deficiency.

These include things like whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and dark green leafy vegetables.

The amount of time for a magnesium cure is between 1 and 3 months. If in doubt, consult a physician.

VI- Can Low Magnesium Cause Confusion?

Yes, a magnesium deficiency causes an imbalance and disturbances in nerve impulses and muscle contractility.

Results: a feeling of weakness, mental confusion, irritability, fatigue, cramps, depression, and others.

VII- Other Supplements for Brain Fog

Some dietary supplements may help you clear brain fog.

# B Complex

B vitamins are involved in many roles, such as energy production and proper functioning of the nervous system.

A high intake of B vitamins is necessary for optimal energy production.

In addition, B-complex vitamins have two main functions, directly related to physical and mental performance.

# Omega-3s

Our brain is a soft, gelatinous structure composed primarily of fat.

Omega-3 supplements in the form of fish oil help improve the number of neural connections in a person facing memory loss.

They are also very powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Used in high doses, it helps people recover from traumatic brain injury.

# Vitamin D

Helps elevate mood, dispels brain fog and depression.

It also improves memory and increases problem-solving ability.

# Vitamin C

Protects the brain from free radical damage. The effects of vitamin C help in the treatment of ischemic stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and Huntington’s disease.

# L-Theanine

Taking this substance helps to reduce the feeling of persistent fatigue. Taking 200 mg over a week showed a decrease in fatigue scores, particularly in the most stressed patients.

VIII- Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is an essential mineral for our body and has several functions.

There are several signs of magnesium deficiency that can have multiple repercussions on our health. These are:

# Fatigue

If you are always tired, especially when you wake up, you may be lacking magnesium.

# Constipation

Constipation is often linked to a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium treatment is one of the key elements in the management of constipation.

# Headaches

It is noted that during an attack, half of the migraine sufferers have a magnesium deficiency.

Stress is a known trigger of migraines, as it increases the elimination of magnesium in the urine and could cause a deficit.

# Diabetes or Imbalanced Blood Sugar

Insufficient magnesium intake, or a deficit of magnesium within the cells, promotes insulin resistance.

This means that the insulin released following the consumption of carbohydrates does not do its job.

# Muscle Pain and Cramping

When muscles lack magnesium, they don’t work well.

# Insomnia

Magnesium has a relaxing effect on your nervous system and helps you sleep better.

Lack of magnesium is often the cause of sleep disorders because magnesium plays an important role in the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

# Osteoporosis

There is a relationship between bone magnesium levels and osteoporosis.

More than half of the body’s magnesium is found in the bones. The lower the magnesium content in the bones, the more fragile the bones become.

# High Blood Pressure

The lack of magnesium increases the hypertensive effect of salt and would promote vasoconstriction.

# Heart Arrhythmia

This trace element contributes to the regulation of the cardiac rhythm and reduces the risks of arterial hypertension.

The less you can fight arrhythmia and stroke, the more you are deficient in magnesium.

# Anxiety and Depression

If you feel particularly anxious, irritable, or have anxiety attacks, this may be due to a magnesium deficiency.

IX- Sources of magnesium

The main sources of magnesium are:

  • Green vegetables;
  • Whole grains;
  • Oleaginous fruits (hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds…)
  • Pulses (lentils, white beans, split peas)
  • Chocolate;
  • Some mineral waters.

In addition, magnesium is naturally present in a large number of foods, such as

  • Cocoa
  • Fruits and vegetables: spinach, bananas, avocados, apples, cabbage, lentils, apricots…
  • Dried fruits: walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds
  • Seafood and fish

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