What happens if you eat ginger everyday? Is it good to drink ginger juice every day? What are its benefits? The right dosage? What is the daily amount of ginger per day? And what are the good recipes we recommend?

I. What is Ginger?

Ginger is the gnarled, bumpy root of the ginger plant Zingiber officinale, which belongs to the same family as turmeric and cardamom.

It was domesticated in the islands of Southeast Asia and came to the West through the spice trade.

Although there are many varieties of ginger root, the most common has a light brown skin and yellow flesh.

Ginger is available in six forms: fresh, dried, pickled, canned, crystallized (or candied), and powdered or ground. It is easily used in both sweet and savory dishes.

II. Amount of Ginger per Day

Ginger has many virtues. It can be consumed on a daily basis, without any risks. However, there is a condition, you should not exceed 4 to 5 g of fresh ginger per day.

Excess in anything is harmful or detrimental, so when ginger is taken as a dietary supplement, you are strongly advised to respect the doses recommended by the manufacturer.

However, if you want ginger to have a noticeable effect on your body, you must consume a minimum of 500 mg of fresh ginger per day.

Indeed, consuming too much ginger can lead to undesirable effects. Therefore, in general, you are advised not to exceed 4 g (5 g for those with no side effects) of dry ginger per day, or between 15 and 20 g of fresh ginger daily. Stop taking it if any symptoms appear.

It should be noted that a dose of 2 g of dried ginger powder is generally considered to be the equivalent of about 10 g of fresh ginger. Therefore, apply a ratio of 1 to 5 between dried ginger and fresh ginger to adapt the dosages.

It should be noted that powdered ginger and fresh ginger do not have exactly the same effects on health.

One is not necessarily a substitute for the other. Let’s discover the benefits of drinking ginger juice every day.

III. What Happens if You Eat Ginger Everyday (Ginger Benefits)

Ginger root has a variety of health benefits, including improving digestion, blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels.

Here are some of the benefits of ginger:

1. Painkiller & Pain Relief 

Even applied locally, ginger juice is a very good painkiller. For example, you can apply ginger juice on your forehead in case of a headache.

You have to apply it on your cheek or on the skin around your jaw, in case of toothache if you can’t find clove which remains the best natural ingredient against toothache.

2. Decrease Acid Reflux

If you’re dealing with the burning sensation that comes with acid reflux, you’ve probably tried many treatments to find relief.

Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural treatment for heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems.

In particular, it can relieve the symptoms of acid reflux.

3. Aphrodisiac

Instead of swallowing blue pills that sometimes have no effect on your erection, we suggest a 100% natural aphrodisiac: ginger. The root of the ginger plays a very beneficial role on the sexuality of the men and the women.

The ginger root increases the pleasure during sexual relations on the one hand, and it stimulates the sexual appetite and the desire on the other hand. Except that it is necessary to take it for at least two months and to renew its intake several times a year in order to benefit from all these aphrodisiac virtues and not to have this kind of inconvenience for a long time.

To obtain a kind of tea, you just need to mix ginger juice, hot water and honey. It is recommended that you drink it after a light meal and you will see the effects yourself.

4. Improve Digestion

The chemical compounds in ginger are known to aid digestion.

Consuming ginger can improve symptoms of indigestion by helping the stomach empty more quickly.

One small study showed that taking 1.2 grams of ginger capsules before a meal speeds up the digestion process in people with indigestion.

5. Anti-inflammatory

A recent scientific study proved that ginger is a 100% natural and powerful anti-inflammatory. Ginger promotes the limitation of prostaglandin secretion. In this sense, the consumption of ginger can reduce the inflammatory process.

Similarly, the rhizome helps to relieve the aches and pains associated with these inflammations, such as pain associated with arthritis, tendonitis or low back pain.

Ginger contains gingerol. This compound has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help relieve different kinds of inflammatory conditions.  We can mention: gout, arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Drinking ginger juice will help you on the one hand to reduce pain due to inflammation, and on the other hand to fight swelling and morning stiffness.

6. Relieves Muscle Pain

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and inflammation.

It even allows for better circulation and blood flow, which helps relieve muscle pain.

7. Cardiovascular Disease

Antioxidant foods are, in a way, beneficial to the heart. Because of its influence on blood circulation, ginger helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Specifically, ginger thins the blood, making it easier to transport through the body.

Also, ginger helps to detoxify the blood and thus the whole body. However, it is necessary to avoid overconsumption. It must be said that its fluidifying properties are very powerful.

8. Acts Against Morning Sickness

Taking ginger orally seems to reduce nausea and vomiting in some people during pregnancy.

But it may work more slowly or less well than some anti-nausea medications.

9. Antioxidant Properties

Ginger has antioxidant properties, which are compounds that help protect the body’s cells from damage caused by molecules involved in the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease and other diseases of aging.

10. Menstrual Cycle Disorder

Drinking ginger juice every day (especially in the mornings) will help you a lot to solve your menstrual cycle disorder.

To do this, you are advised to boil a piece of ginger with a cup of water. Add a little honey. You can drink this mixture two to three times a day for a month. Preferably, take this mixture hot.

Ginger contains analgesic substances that are able to relieve cramps, especially useful when you have painful periods (dysmenorrhea or algomenorrhea).

Also, this mixture can promote the onset of menstruation in case of abnormal absence of menstruation (amenorrhea).

11. Helps Relieve Arthritis Symptoms

Ginger is a 100% natural and powerful anti-inflammatory. It limits the secretion of prostaglandins.

Thus, the inflammatory process can be reduced by consuming ginger. Its ability to reduce inflammation is especially useful for people suffering from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

12. Helps Lower Blood Sugar

Known for its many beneficial properties, including therapeutic, ginger also helps control blood sugar levels.

With its spicy taste and unique flavor, ginger also contains potassium, iron and fiber.

Over the years, ginger has been shown to help lower blood sugar and regulate insulin response in people with diabetes.

13. Flatulence

Drinking ginger juice every morning will help you reduce flatulence considerably. It is recommended to boil a fresh piece in a cup of water.

To be able to taste a little sweet, add a little honey. To trap the gas in the intestines, drink this mixture twice a day and make them clear the time you want, for example, by going to the toilet.

14. Reduces the Risk of Many Infections and Germs

Gingerol, the bioactive substance in fresh ginger, may help reduce the risk of infections.

This is because ginger extract can inhibit the growth of many types of bacteria. It is very effective against oral bacteria associated with inflammatory gum disease, such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Fresh ginger may also be effective against the RSV virus, a common cause of respiratory infections.

Ginger stimulates sweating, which helps remove toxins from your body more quickly. Increased sweating can help you fight germs and bacteria that could infect you.

15. Anti-Fatigue

Drinking ginger juice will help you fight fatigue. Ginger is rich in various vitamins. Therefore, it is a perfect natural stimulant for the body and its functions.

In addition to its vitamin content, it is also an excellent source of minerals and trace elements.

Ginger effectively fights against temporary fatigue. It also relieves muscular pains and aches.

16. Prevents Cancer

Ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, as we’ve seen.

These two factors combined already make it a powerful preventive agent against the occurrence of cancer.

17. Insomnia

Drinking ginger juice every day will help you overcome insomnia, and you will get back to peaceful nights.

You will regain your normal sleep by consuming it regularly and especially by having a cup of ginger tea before going to sleep.

We are now going to show you some recipes of ginger juice that will help you in this sense.

18. Reduce Cholesterol Levels

The antioxidant properties of ginger are said to help reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

When you regularly consume ginger in all its forms, you help your body avoid the development of cholesterol plaques in the arteries.

19. Eat Ginger to Boost the Immune System

Consuming ginger can be excellent for boosting the immune system. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits protect the body’s cells from free radical damage.

Like turmeric and garlic, ginger is also an excellent natural immune booster.

It helps to warm the body and rid it of toxin build-up in the organs, especially in the sinuses, lungs and lymphatic system.

Detoxification of these organs can help fight disease and infection.

IV. Ginger Juice Recipes to Lose Weight

The ginger is an aromatic and tasty food that can help us prepare various drinks that contribute to weight loss.

Ginger recipes for weight loss are very popular today.

This is because they are considered to help burn calories more easily when they are part of an active lifestyle.

1. Water Ginger and Lemon

You have the option of combining ginger with the weight loss benefits of lemon with the help of water. This is usually called a ginger-lemon infusion. You are advised to drink this ginger juice on an empty stomach in the morning.

In order to make this infusion, you just need to bring water to a boil. Then, add a thin slice of ginger in this water and let it infuse for about 5 minutes. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice when the ginger has infused. Finally, taste.

2. Ginger and Vinegar

You can also use ginger as a condiment for your salads, instead of the traditional vinaigrette.

To do this, first grate some fresh ginger. Then, mix it with the juice of a lemon. Finally, you need to dress your salad with this mixture.

By using this ginger vinegar, you avoid the fats contained in the commercial salad dressing while consuming a natural fat burner.

3. Ginger Tea (the Simplest Recipe)

Ginger tea is the easiest way to consume ginger. To make this tea, you need to grate the equivalent of one teaspoon of fresh ginger.

Bring water to a boil. In a tea ball, for about 5 minutes, infuse the grated ginger.

It is advisable to strain the infusion if crumbs of ginger have fallen into the cup. Then add a little honey or sugar. You are advised to taste it immediately.

4. How to Eat Ginger and Garlic Everyday (Recipe)

Ginger and garlic tea is a 100% natural tea. It combines the properties of these two popular ingredients to form a drink that detoxifies the body while providing other incredible benefits.

Both have strong antioxidant, diuretic and purifying properties. Their effects on the body facilitate the expulsion of all accumulated waste.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 small ginger root
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 lemon (optional)
  • 1 pitcher or glass container with lid


Heat the liter of water. When it boils, pour it into the glass pitcher and mix it with the chopped ginger root and garlic.

You can also slice a lemon and add it to the mixture.

Let the mixture sit overnight and start drinking it the next morning.

5. Ginger and Turmeric Recipe

This simple and delicious recipe is a pure detox juice that is anti-inflammatory and painless.

Not only is it full of color and flavor, but it’s packed with nutrients that support the immune system and allow for better digestion.


  • hot water to your liking
  • 1 ginger root
  • lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • sugar or honey


To prepare your ginger and turmeric tea, first heat the water in the pot.

Meanwhile, grate the ginger root and place it in the pot, along with the turmeric powder. Bring to a boil.

After 15 minutes, strain the mixture and pour into a cup. Stir and add a few drops of lemon and, if you prefer, sugar.

Drink at least one cup a day and you will feel the benefits immediately.

Our tea is now ready to be enjoyed, absorb all its beneficial properties and relax.

Drink it hot.

V. What are the Side Effects of Ginger?

Ginger is a plant that has few side effects.

However, although it can be used during pregnancy, it is best to consult a doctor before doing so, as some studies suggest that ginger can promote miscarriage.

Ginger can also cause mouth sores in some people.

It also has an anticoagulant effect, which makes its consumption incompatible with medications that have the same effect.

VI. Other Questions About Ginger

1. Can You Eat Too Much Ginger?

It is advised not to exceed the dose of 2 g of dried ginger per day, or 5 g of fresh ginger.

2. Is Ginger Tea Safe During Pregnancy?

Ginger tea is safe to consume during pregnancy, as long as it is used in low doses, up to 1 gram, and for no more than 3 to 4 days at a time.

At higher doses, this ingredient appears to have the ability to cause contractions of the uterus.

3. How Many Cups of Ginger Can You Drink a Day

In general, no more than 5 grams of ginger should be consumed per day, which is quite a few cups!

Normally, a healthy person can drink about 1 to 2 cups of ginger tea.

But if you suffer from certain diseases like diabetes, heart problems, stomach ulcers, inflammatory bowel diseases, pregnancy, etc., you should consult a health specialist first before consuming ginger tea.

4. Is it Good to Chew Raw Ginger?

Chewing raw ginger will help relieve indigestion. If you suffer from abdominal pain, raw ginger can help.

Cut a thin slice of raw ginger and chew it like gum.

Among other benefits, this medicinal plant is antibacterial, helps warm the body, stimulates the immune system, is anti-allergic and antipyretic (fights fever).

5. How Much Ginger Should I Eat Daily?

Doctors recommend consuming a maximum of 4 to 5 grams of ginger extract per day.

If you are pregnant, do not consume more than 1 gram of ginger extract per day. Ginger is not recommended for children under the age of 2.

6. What Is the Best Time to Eat Ginger?

Ginger can be taken throughout the day if consumed fresh, as an herbal tea or candied. But the best time to drink ginger tea is in the morning.

When taken within the first 30 minutes of waking up, it helps your body finish its night quickly, recharge your metabolism and prevent nausea.

7. Can Ginger Cure Cough?

Ginger is one of the best options for the natural treatment of colds and to eliminate cough, due to its various medicinal properties.

8. Is Ginger Good for Kidneys?

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger, drinking ginger tea can have a healthy effect on kidney function, as it can help the kidneys protect themselves from any bacterial infection.

9. Can Ginger Be Eaten on Empty Stomach?

Ginger stimulates the production of bile in your stomach. This helps digest food, but when the stomach is empty and you don’t have solid food to break down, this bile can stay in the stomach, which again can cause digestive upset.

10. Why Does Ginger Hurt my Throat?

Ginger has anti-inflammatory effects The pain you feel when you have a sore throat comes from the inflammation and itching of your throat.

This inflammation may be the result of your body’s immune response to an infection, or it may be due to an irritant, such as post-nasal drip.

 General Antioxidant Properties of Ginger

Precision Research on Ginger: The Type of Ginger Matters

Ginger from Farmyard to Town: Nutritional and Pharmacological Applications