Does magnesium help vertigo and dizziness? What about dizziness and low blood pressure in case of magnesium deficiency? What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency? And finally, what should be done in case of magnesium deficiency?

I- Importance of Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that is very present in our body and that is of crucial importance to the proper functioning of our metabolism.

It is at the origin of more than 300 enzymatic and nervous functions and favors digestion and has a very important role in cognitive reinforcement.

Magnesium is found in our food, but in our time, the industry and the new techniques of agriculture make that our foodstuffs are exhausted at the level of the mineral content and particularly in magnesium

This has the effect that a large part of the population suffers from a deficiency in this trace element, sometimes without even realizing it.

II- What is Vertigo and Dizziness

# Peripheral Vertigo

Central vertigo is one of two types of vertigo. Instability, nausea, and sensory-motor deficits are the most frequent manifestations of this type of vertigo. For these reasons, nearly 25% of people consulting for vertigo are affected by central vertigo.

# Central Vertigo

Various causes can be at the origin of peripheral vertigo. In this type of dizziness, it is the bony labyrinth or the vestibular nerve that is affected. Otitis, the taking of certain medications, or a problem with the blood supply to the ear can cause peripheral vertigo.

III- Does Magnesium Help Vertigo and Dizziness 

As you may know, the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency are numerous.

But these are universal symptoms that can be there as a result of another illness or depression for example.

This is why it is not uncommon to see people start a magnesium treatment without having done a blood test beforehand, so it may turn out that they were not deficient in this mineral at all, or that the deficiency was very slight.

Therefore, following an unreflected or too important supplementation, it is possible to find oneself in a completely opposite case: a magnesium overdose.

The two main signs of hypermagnesemia are dizziness and low blood pressure, or even a coma.

Indeed, magnesium has a regulatory role in blood flow, but if its concentration in the blood becomes too high, a rare but not impossible case, it is possible that the blood pressure drops sharply, causing dizziness and even severe paralysis.

This is the list of disadvantages of taking magnesium without a doctor’s supervision. It is therefore imperative to always check, via a blood test, if a deficiency is really present, in order to avoid any unnecessary and exaggerated supplementation.

These symptoms are often accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. If you experience this after supplementation, please stop your medication and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

1. Vertigo and Dizziness

Magnesium helps regulate the levels of other minerals in your body, such as calcium, potassium, copper, and zinc.

So a lack of magnesium can increase your risk of developing an electrolyte imbalance, which can lead to dehydration, dizziness, and cognitive decline.

And if you’re often tired, dizzy, or have a lot of dizziness, then make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and try adding a magnesium supplement to help reduce some of these symptoms.

2. Low Blood Pressure

According to all the studies we’ve seen, it turns out that magnesium deficiency does not cause low blood pressure in any way. But it is rather the opposite that happens when taking magnesium.

Because in case of hypotension, a magnesium cure could be in many cases an effective solution to stabilize the speed of the blood in the arteries. That is to say, magnesium acts on the fluidity of the blood and thus influences the blood pressure in the right direction of the normal regulation.

3. How to Use Magnesium for Vertigo and Dizziness

Lack of magnesium is one of the recognized causes of dizziness. Taking it as a dietary supplement helps in case of dizziness, preferably during meals.

Consult a professional for an appropriate dosage.

More naturally, eating certain foods is also helpful.

Products such as nuts, whole grains, and dark chocolate are rich in magnesium. Drinking mineral water that is naturally rich in magnesium can also help.

4. Which Magnesium is Good for Vertigo and Dizziness

# Magnesium Glycinate

Under this name, we find the salt of the amino acid L-Glycine. Magnesium Glycinate is easily absorbed by the body.

It helps to reduce anxiety, decreases the feeling of pain, and can even be useful to regulate the blood sugar level of diabetics.

# Magnesium Theonate

This is a fairly new chemical compound, a magnesium salt of L-Threonic acid. It is a food supplement that has been specially designed to be easily absorbed by the body.

Magnesium threonate is very useful for brain health. It is one of the best magnesium to fight against dizziness.

# Magnesium Sulfate

Magnesium sulfate is often used in pregnant women, during pregnancy, or during childbirth. It acts in particular in the cases of convulsions.

Still called Epsom salt, magnesium sulfate relaxes muscles and reduces joint stiffness.

# Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium chloride has many benefits. It can be used as a facial as well as to improve the immune system.

Magnesium chloride can be taken as a cure by diluting a small amount in a glass. A glass a day every 3 hours for about 8 days is a possible dosage.

5. How Much Should I Take a Day of Magnesium

For a woman between the ages of 19 and 30, the recommended maximum is about 310m/day.

For a man in the same age range, we will go up to 400 mg.

However, for a woman over 30 years old, the dose is 320 mg per day. For a man in the same case, we will go up to 420 mg.

It is important to note that these quantities are approximate. A professional can make different prescriptions.

6. Magnesium Side Effects

Excessive intake of magnesium can have adverse effects. For example, it is possible to have diarrhea or intestinal pain following magnesium consumption.

Another side effect may be breathing difficulties.

IV- What are the Symptoms of a Magnesium Deficiency?

A slight magnesium deficiency often goes unnoticed. But if it is not treated, it may become established and worsen over time.

Fortunately, there are several symptoms that can point to a lack of this mineral and may prompt you to see your doctor.

1. Burning Sensation

It has been noted that many people suffering from magnesium deficiency experience unexplained heat and burning sensations in their fingers and thighs.

2. Tingling and Numbness

One of the most recurrent symptoms of a mineral deficiency is a tingling sensation in the limbs.

3. Tired and Lethargic

The main sign of a magnesium deficiency is fatigue. If you always feel tired and sluggish despite not doing much, and even if you can sleep like a baby at night, you may be suffering from a lack of minerals. And it should be remembered that a lack of magnesium for the liver leads to chronic fatigue and stress.

4. High Blood Pressure

Since magnesium plays a major role in the dilation of blood vessels and arteries, and therefore an essential role in the reduction of blood flow, it goes without saying that unexplained high blood pressure can be caused by a lack of this trace mineral.

5. Stress and Anxiety

Headaches and fatigue are generally associated with stress and if all three are present in your daily life, it is possible that you are suffering from a magnesium deficiency.

6. Eye Pain

Nervous hypertension caused by a lack of magnesium can make you feel pain in your eyes as well as a sensation of eyelids fluttering or shaking involuntarily.

7. Headaches

Associated with fatigue as well as nervous tension that insidiously settles in, a mineral deficiency, more precisely in magnesium, can cause headaches, even migraines. Science has proven through several studies that a well-balanced diet rich in minerals can help fight migraines.

8. Lack of Appetite

By repeating diets low in magnesium, you may suffer from a lack of appetite despite resuming a normal diet. Always consult a nutritionist before starting any dietary restrictions!

9. Irregular Heart Rate

As mentioned above, magnesium plays an essential role in cardiovascular health. Thus, a magnesium deficiency can cause blood pressure increases as well as palpitations and an irregular heartbeat.

10. Difficulty Concentrating

Magnesium helps with cognitive strengthening as well as memorization, which is why there are mineral supplements on the market for students during exam periods. If you have difficulty concentrating, it is very possible that you have a magnesium deficiency.

11. Irritability and Bad Mood

Between nerves, fatigue, headaches, and sleep problems, irritability can occur as a result of a magnesium deficiency, which will lead to the rest of the symptoms listed above and which, unfortunately, can set in overtime.

12. Muscle Cramps and Spasms

Magnesium deficiency is not always obvious to detect. Muscle pain and cramps are some of the signs of magnesium deficiency.

When you lack magnesium, your muscles don’t work well. It is common to have shaky eyelids. You will easily get cramps and pains, and this is without any strenuous physical activity.

13. Gastrointestinal Problems

Some stomach problems are also manifestations of magnesium deficiency. If you suffer from frequent stomach cramps or constipation, the reason may be a lack of magnesium.

V- What to Do in Case of Magnesium Deficiency?

If you are convinced that you are suffering from a magnesium deficiency, several options are available to you.

If all the symptoms of this mineral deficiency make your daily life hell, then it is best to consult a doctor who, after a blood test, will be able to prescribe you magnesium ampoules to drink.

And if the symptoms are mild, or if you want to take advantage of a gentle magnesium cure to enjoy all its benefits, you can turn to alternative medicine via a supplementation due to Nigari salt while respecting the prescribed doses of course.

Or simply, choose foods that are naturally rich in magnesium, such as bananas, seafood, dried fruits, and especially mineral water naturally rich in magnesium.

VI- Other Natural Remedies for Vertigo and Dizziness

# Ginger

Against dizziness, ginger is very effective. You can choose between several methods. You can chew the ginger root directly to absorb its juice.

If this idea is too bold, a cup of ginger tea is another option.

You can let slices of ginger steep in herbal tea or chai tea before consuming it. You can also sprinkle it in your dishes or take it in capsule form.

# Ginkgo Biloba

For your dizziness, you can turn to the Ginkgo biloba. For this, you take it in the extract. 100mg per day will significantly reduce the feeling of dizziness.

# Vitamin D

Taking a vitamin D supplement would be helpful in fighting dizziness. To improve your vitamin D levels, consider getting at least 10 minutes of sun exposure (with adequate protection) each day.

Eating foods such as fatty fish or calcium-rich dairy products is also helpful.

Vitamin D supplements should be taken twice a day, preferably with meals, at a rate of 500mg each time.

# Hydration

If you feel dizzy, drink enough water. If your dizziness is accompanied by nausea, then drink slowly, in small sips.

Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day helps to fight dizziness.

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