How to treat plantar warts with Baking Soda? How long does it take for a wart to disappear with Baking Soda? What are the other recipes with baking soda to treat plantar warts?  And finally, what are the other home remedies for warts you can make, right at home?

Baking soda for plantar warts is a simple method with sometimes more than satisfactory results. Let’s see together how to use it so that it is effective, as well as other natural products that are no less effective.

I. What Is Plantar Wart

Plantar warts are growths that appear under the soles of the feet. In France, one person out of 4 is or will be touched by the plantar wart, especially children.

This skin infection is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Plantar warts range in color from gray to yellowish-brown. They usually form on the areas of the foot that are under the most pressure. The heels and toes in particular.

The papillomavirus evolves well in wet environments, it is thus frequent to catch plantar warts in places like the showers or the swimming pools.

It is an infection that is contagious if there is prolonged contact. Also, the risk of getting plantar warts is greater within the same family.

Plantar warts can disappear on their own after about 2 years.

If not, there are methods to get rid of them.

II.  How to Treat Plantar Warts with Baking Soda

1. How Baking Soda Works on Warts

Baking soda is a compound close to salt, which has antiseptic properties. It is a natural disinfectant. But in addition to that, it can tenderize the skin, which is necessary when you want to get rid of warts.

The virtues of baking soda will allow it to soften warts, which will leave the skin more easily.

2. How to Use Baking Soda on Plantar Warts

There are different methods to use baking soda on plantar warts.

One of them is to soak the wart in baking soda. To do this, you must first dilute the baking soda in water. This water will be used to wash the foot infected by the plantar wart. You can even make a foot bath with it.

Do not rinse afterward, let your foot dry by itself. Do this as often as possible until warts disappear.

The second method is to make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply this to warts, and hold it in place with gauze.

Do this 2 to 3 times a day, and don’t forget to sleep with your bandage on.

After a while, warts will blacken and fall off by themselves, right down to the root.

3. How Long Does It Take for a Wart to Disappear with Baking Soda?

Bicarbonate treatment can sometimes be very effective and quick to act against warts in some people. There is no clear explanation for this phenomenon.

Sometimes in less than a week, it could get rid of your warts.

An application of 5 to 8 minutes daily is sufficient. After a while, warts should become smaller, before dissolving.

4. Castor Oil and Baking Soda to Remove Plantar Warts

Another natural way to get rid of your warts is by using castor oil. Castor oil, also known as castor oil, has corrosive properties. It owes them to the ricinoleic acid it contains.

In combination with baking soda, castor oil is also very effective.

The best way to use it is to make compresses.

Use of castor oil and baking soda:

With baking soda, clean your feet to make sure they are disinfected. Next, apply a clean gauze pad soaked in castor oil to the area to be treated.

Wrap your foot with plastic wrap to keep the gauze in place.

Using a hot bottle, warm the area. If the bottle is too hot, protect your hands with a towel before grabbing it.

Keep the gauze on for an hour, reheating constantly.

The heat helps soften warts.

This method is not only useful for warts. Repeated for 40 days, it can help with many health problems.

But castor oil can also be used alone for warts.

To use it, simply apply it to your warts after your feet are clean. Repeat often. It may take time, but warts will eventually disappear.

5. Coconut Oil and Baking Soda for Warts

Coconut oil and baking soda can help you treat plantar warts.

These two ingredients have properties that work effectively on this infection.

To benefit from their advantages, you need to mix the same amount of coconut oil and baking soda in a container.

After that, you are advised to spread the obtained solution on plantar warts by massaging with great care for five minutes.

6. How Does Baking Soda and Castor Oil Remove Warts?

Baking soda can also be used in combination with castor oil to treat plantar warts.

Indeed, the acid found in castor oil, ricinoleic acid, would have corrosive properties.

On its side, the bicarbonate of soda would dry plantar warts. This is how the two ingredients eliminate warts.

III. 13 Home Remedies for Warts You Can Make Right at Home

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

The acids found in apple cider vinegar are said to have a corrosive effect that treats warts.

To do this, soak a piece of cotton with apple cider vinegar. Then, apply it maintained with a bandage on warts.

It should be noted, however, that this method may cause some minor pain.

2. Onion and Salt

The method of using onion and salt against warts is easy. Just make a hollow in an onion, and put some coarse salt in it. In the morning and evening, rub the water from your onion on your warts.

The onion and salt would be an irritating mixture for warts.

You can also make onion poultices.

The quercetin in onions is an antiviral agent. Its action can therefore help you get rid of your warts. Although there is little scientific evidence to support this fact.

3. Potato Juice

Potato juice has been known as a grandmother’s remedy for a long time. It can be used to “burn” plantar warts naturally.

To take advantage of its benefits, cut a slice of raw potato and rub it on the wart for a few minutes twice a day.

This will effectively treat warts.

4. Essential Oils

Two essential oils, in particular, can help you get rid of your wart.

Tea tree oil is one of them. Two to three drops of this oil, applied with a cotton swab on the wart, is enough. Do this twice a day, avoiding touching the healthy skin.

You can also use clove oil. Mix one to two drops of this oil with a teaspoon of vegetable oil such as sweet almonds. Apply the mixture to the wart, using a cotton swab.

Do a skin test beforehand, to make sure you can’t develop an allergy. Do not exceed three weeks of treatment. After that time, take a break for at least a week before starting again.

5. Garlic Buds

Garlic buds have antiviral properties. Covering warts with garlic buds could also have an immune system-boosting effect to get rid of them.

Rub the garlic buds on warts before bedtime, repeat the treatment for about one to two weeks.

You can protect the possible burning sensation that the garlic buds will cause on your skin by applying a little oil to the affected area beforehand.

6. Piggy Ointment

Pig ointment contains keratin, as well as salicylic acid. It is a remover, used in cutaneous application to treat warts. It is not to be applied to the face.

After a warm bath, apply the ointment to your warts. Cover with a bandage or gauze. Do this for several days to see your warts disappear.

7. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice also helps you get rid of warts. Indeed, the citric acid contained in the lemon promotes the “burning” of warts in a very natural way.

Simply apply lemon juice on a cotton swab immediately on warts.

It is recommended to continue this operation until warts disappear completely.

8. Smother the Wart

This is a simple technique that involves putting a plaster on your wart and keeping it there for a week.

After that time, you will notice that the skin of the wart will have come off and fallen off.

If the wart has not fallen off after a week, reapply your bandage.

You can also use tape in the same way. Once removed, soak your foot in warm water for about ten minutes. Then use a pumice stone to scrape the wart off.

The change in the wart’s environment may sometimes be enough to kill the wart.

9. Pineapple Juice

Warts could also be treated with pineapple juice. Specifically, it contains several vitamins, including vitamin C in considerable quantities.

The latter is known for its ability to strengthen the immune system. This vitamin is not only immunostimulant but also antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory.

You need to drink one glass of pineapple juice a day to get the benefits of this fruit.

10. Celidonia

Celery is a plant that grows in the cool shade of tall trees. It is called “wart herb” for its action on this skin condition.

This plant is recognizable by its small yellow flowers. To use it against warts, it is necessary to extract the sap from the stem.

This sap is a yellow color quite similar to that of the flowers. Then simply apply it to warts.

To get rid of them completely, you will have to repeat the experience several times a week.

The juice of the Celery would have the same properties as the medicines against warts sold in pharmacies.

11. Banana Peel

The inside of a ripe banana peel contains an antiviral agent that is very effective against the virus that causes warts.

You need to put a small piece of a banana peel on warts. Afterward, you are advised to fix it with a plaster and to renew the application regularly. In a few days, they will be gone.

12. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera, which is rich in salicylic acid, promotes cell renewal and the elimination of wart cells.

Based on an Aloe Vera leaf, it is possible to collect the pulp by cutting the stem in half and then applying it directly to warts. This will help you a lot.

13. Castor Oil

Castor oil is also interesting in the case of warts. The technique is similar and simple to the others: you need to dip a small piece of cotton in castor oil and then apply it on warts.

Don’t forget to close it with a waterproof bandage. It is recommended that you renew the device every day until they disappear.

14. Vitamin C Paste

Vitamin C Paste is a powerful antiviral. It is an excellent remedy that will help you treat warts.

You simply need to mix vitamin C powder in water to make a paste. Then you are advised to apply the paste on warts and cover them with a bandage or gauze.

Take care to replace the remedy every day until the warts are gone.

IV. Other Questions About Plantar Warts

1. What Does a Planter’s Wart Look Like When It Comes Out?

The wart is a flesh-colored viral infection and its surface is not only irregular, hard, but also horny.

It can invade other areas of the body in contact because of the location on the hands.

Since it affects the sole of the foot, the plantar wart in its typical form can be painful when walking.

2. Why Are Plantar Warts So Hard to Get Rid Of?

Generally speaking, a very hostile environment must be made for warts to want to leave.

The problem that arises most of the time is this: the bad environment is made directly on your skin.

This is the reason why you need to apply several remedies or treatments before you can eliminate warts.

3. Does Clear Nail Polish Get Rid of Warts?

Clear nail polish could help to remove warts. You need to cover warts with a layer of clear nail polish if you want to smother them and speed up their healing.

However, you must be careful to apply only a thin layer of nail polish. You should avoid overdoing it. 

4. Can You Dig Out a Plantar Wart?

Wart removal treatments based on organic acids, such as salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid, and formic acid, are the first choice for plantar warts.

Specifically, these preparations exfoliate the wart day after day and destroy locally the cells infected by the HPV virus.

5. How Does a Banana Peel Get Rid of Plantar Warts?

You need to put a small piece of a banana peel on warts and fix it with plaster.

You must repeat the operation regularly and in a few days, they will be gone.

6. What Happens to a Plantar Wart if Left Untreated?

When a plantar wart is not treated, the following complications can occur diabetic foot lesions, athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), nail fungus, etc.

7. Are Plantar Warts Contagious in Shower?

Plantar warts can be contagious in the shower. That is why it is strongly recommended to wear socks or flip-flops before taking a shower.

Showers should also be well maintained to avoid contracting this infection.

8. Why Do Plantar Warts Keep Coming Back?

There are several reasons why plantar warts keep coming back. It may be because the dermatologist did not want to create a scar, so he or she remained superficial and was not aggressive enough towards warts. A bad treatment can also be at the bottom of the resurgence of warts.

9. Can You Pull a Plantar Wart Out with Tweezers?

Yes, you simply need to take a pair of tweezers and a piece of lemon peel at night, at bedtime. Using the scissors, you are advised to cut a very small piece.

Be very careful, the piece must be the exact size of the wart, otherwise, it will also burn the surrounding skin.

10. Why Are Plantar Warts So Painful?

It is possible to feel pain under the foot when you have plantar warts.

Plantar warts are not usually painful. However, when they are on an area that experiences a lot of friction and pressure, such as the soles of the feet, they can cause moderate to throbbing pain.

11. Does Tea Tree Oil Get Rid of Warts?

Tea tree oil, also known as team tree, is recognized as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral essential oil due to the monoterpene alcohol molecules it contains. It fights effectively against the Papillomas virus (virus at the origin of warts).

Useful Links:

Plantar Warts: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management

What is the best treatment for plantar warts?

Plantar Warts (Verruca Plantaris)

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