Is magnesium good for sciatica? How to use magnesium for sciatica? What other supplements are good for sciatica? And finally, what are some good tips for relieving the pain associated with this nerve disease?

I. What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica or lumbosciatica is a pain felt in the buttock, along the back of the thigh and calf, where the sciatic nerves connected to the lower lumbar vertebrae pass.

Sciatica is triggered by the compression and irritation of a nerve. It is also called sciatic pain or neuralgia.

However, when it affects the lumbar region, it is called lumbosciatica. Sciatica is a regular condition after the age of 30.

II. Is Magnesium Good for Sciatica?

When the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, the muscles that communicate through it may suffer from spasms.

For relief, magnesium acts as a natural muscle relaxant that can be incorporated directly into our daily diet.

# Magnesium and Nerves

Magnesium plays an important role in regulating the normal functioning of the central nervous system (CNS). Magnesium is a very important mineral for the excitation of the membranes of nerve cells such as brain cells.

An adequate intake of magnesium, therefore, has a positive effect on stress, agitation, and nervousness.

# Benefits of Magnesium in the Sciatic Nerve

Back pain can be a sign of a magnesium deficiency because magnesium ensures the proper contraction and relaxation of muscles.

In case of deficiency, we witness great fatigue of the muscles which is at the origin of pain. Moreover, magnesium helps in the fight against stress and helps to sleep better.

# How to Use magnesium for Sciatica

In case of sciatica, pour 1 sachet of magnesium chloride into your bath water, then stay in the water for about 20 minutes.

The effect of this water will relax the muscles and release the tension linked to the sciatic nerve.

# Best Magnesium Supplement for Sciatica

Magnesium alone can trigger 300 enzymes in the body. Magnesium supplementation can often be helpful.

However, not all magnesium solutions are created equal on the market. There are several types of magnesium, so to choose effective magnesium, several criteria must be taken into account.

These are optimal bioavailability, safety, stability, and resistance to stomach acidity.

Also the very low molecular weight, the non-competition with other salts, and finally the percentage of compatibility with vegetarian diets.

In conclusion, we can say that all types of magnesium are good for the problem of the sciatic nerve, but magnesium glycinate is much more recommended by specialists in the field.

# Magnesium Cream for Sciatica Pain

Magnesium cream is a natural product derived from magnesium chloride in its pure state. It has soothing and regenerative properties of natural magnesium chloride.

With its pleasant texture, the cream of magnesium penetrates the skin quickly and is ideal to relieve the pains of sciatica.

# How Much Magnesium Should I Take for Sciatica?

Magnesium is very important at different levels in energy metabolism and the mechanisms of muscle contraction.

However, in case of sciatica, pour 1 sachet of magnesium chloride into your bath water and stay in the water for about 20 minutes.

The magnesium cure can last from one month to 3 months and can be repeated several times a year depending on the needs.

As far as its consumption is concerned, it is from a daily intake of 300 mg magnesium that the deficiencies are filled and its effect is almost immediate.

It is necessary to follow the supplementation over one or two months at least while taking care to consume natural products which contain a lot of magnesium for example the banana.

# Does Magnesium Help Pinched Nerve?

The sciatic nerve is one of the longest and largest nerves in our body. Irritation of the sciatic nerve is the cause of many pains.

Our bodies are made up of a pair of sciatic nerves, each branch of which is connected to the spine at the sacrum.

When the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, the muscles that communicate through it can suffer from spasms. To relieve you, magnesium acts as a natural muscle relaxant that can be incorporated into our daily diet.

III. What Other Supplements Are Good for Sciatica?

Many other supplements are effective in relieving sciatica.

# Calcium for Sciatica

Calcium is involved in neuromuscular excitability and allows the muscle to contract. It is also necessary for the relaxation of the muscle after contraction and the proper functioning of the heart muscle.

Calcium is essential for neuromuscular excitability and is involved in the conduction of nerve impulses.

It also plays an antidepressant role and promotes sleep. Calcium contributes to a good transmission between the nerve cells.

# Omega-3 for Sciatica

Omega 3 has a real action on inflammations. They are also very recommended to prevent the risks of inflammatory injuries such as tendonitis.

It is thus an excellent complement to prevent the creation of an inflammation that can involve blocking of the sciatic nerve.

An intake of omega 3 is beneficial to health, as it helps reduce the risk of diseases (heart attack, cholesterol, heart, arteries …).

# Is Glucosamine Good for Sciatica

Glucosamine has a beneficial effect in reducing pain and inflammation that can lead to sciatica and, in the long term, slow down the deterioration of knee cartilage.

In addition, glucosamine has strong antioxidant power. In addition, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) have a strong water retention capacity.

Glucosamine, therefore, helps to repair and regenerate joint cartilage and contributes to gradually reducing joint discomfort and improving mobility.

# Does Tonic Water Help Sciatica

Tonic water is a carbonated drink containing water with quinine added.

 Quinine can act as a competitive inhibitor of monoamine oxidase (MAO), an enzyme that removes neurotransmitters from the brain.

As an MAO inhibitor, quinine has the potential to serve as a treatment for people with psychological disorders resulting from neurotransmitter deficits.

Tonic water has been marketed as a means of providing quinine to consumers to obtain protection from various ailments.

However, by drinking large amounts of tonic water, an individual can temporarily reach levels of quinine sufficient to help sciatica.

# What Vitamins for Sciatica Nerve Pain

Supplementation with vitamins B1, B6, and B12, as well as the anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac, has been shown to provide significant relief from spinal pain.

But this is without a specific mention of sciatica. In addition, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12 contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

IV. What I Can Do to Relieve Sciatica Pain?

# Strengthen the Hips and their Flexibility

Lie on your back and bring your right leg toward your chest. Then press the back of your left knee into the floor, feeling a stretch in your hip.

Hold this position for about 30 seconds maximum. Do each side 2 to 3 times.

After good mobility, it is important to have good flexibility in the muscles surrounding the joint. The most important ones are the hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and iliotibial band.

# Don’t Lay in Bed All Day

To avoid falling prey to sciatica, there are movements to avoid. Contrary to what you might think, under no circumstances should you stay in bed all day.

Doctors strongly advise against this strategy and recommend as much physical activity as possible.

Bed rest should be kept to a minimum, as it relieves symptoms but does not help people get back on their feet any faster.

# Improve Your Posture

If you have sciatica, be sure to lie down on a soft, comfortable surface. Sciatica pain is usually relieved by resting and lying down.

In addition, lying on your back is the best position to reduce pain and to limit the load on the intervertebral discs.

If the curvature of your back is important, the best position for you will be lying on your side with a cushion or bolster between your legs.

# Try Some Heat

Heat and cold may be opposites, but both can be very helpful in relieving sciatic nerve pain.

Cold treatment is ideal for an injury that has just occurred because it is more suitable during shock and trauma.

However, after 48 hours, doctors suggest switching to heat, as it is more effective for chronic pain.

Beware of the risk of burning the skin. To achieve this, you can apply a hot water bottle, a heat-diffusing patch, or a warm, moist towel to the sciatic nerve root.

For cold, simply use an ice pack wrapped in a towel, about 15 to 20 minutes at a time.

# Change Your Position Frequently

Changing your position regularly, i.e. not staying in the same posture for too long, especially when lying or sitting, is very beneficial for relieving sciatica.

When you go shopping, you carry the bags in each hand to spread the load. When putting on your pants or shoes, avoid standing on one foot and prefer the sitting position.

Also, when getting into a car, do not enter by the leg; sit down first by leaning on your thighs and then enter both legs simultaneously into the vehicle.

# Have a Health Professional Check on You 

If you are still at risk, seek medical advice. The doctor will determine if it is L5 or S1 sciatica. However, in the case of complicated or prolonged sciatica, additional tests are necessary.

The treatment is mainly based on medication and rehabilitation can be useful. On the other hand, surgery is reserved for certain forms of sciatica.

Before prescribing a treatment to cure sciatica, the treating physician examines you. He or she will determine with you: the circumstances of the onset of the pain; the degree of discomfort and the path of the pain. He will also take into account the discomfort felt in your work.

useful Links:

How you can ease the sciatica pain yourself

What Is Sciatica?

Magnesium supplement promotes sciatic nerve regeneration and down-regulates inflammatory response

What Medications Should You Not Take with Magnesium?

Is it Safe to Take Magnesium During Pregnancy?

Can Magnesium Affect Blood Pressure?